🌸 Chapter 3 🌸

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Mirio's pov~

"It's fine, we'll just share, like old times" i chirped jumping into the bed.

"hmm.... okay"he mumbled sliding under the covers so that all i could see of him was his disheveled indigo hair.

"...Tamaki?" the only reply i received was a slight snore from the now unconscious Tamaki. I guess he was tired, when was the last time he slept? he should really take better care of himself...

The next Morning~

I opened my eyes and looked around, sunlight spilled in through the cracks in the curtains i looked beside me where Tamaki lay curled up into an almost fetal position, he looked so peaceful when he slept, adorable!  I wrapped me arms around him pulling him into a tight embrace, praying he did't wake up. I felt him snuggle into my shoulder and i couldn't help but smile. I wonder how he'd react if he was awake?  At that moment Tamaki's eyes flew open, startling me, i quickly pulled away from him, sitting up. I didn't want to imagine how red my face was. "Hey Tamaki!" I said smiling nervously trying to hide the fact that we had just cuddled. To my relief Tamaki just looked around blankly unaware of the previous events

"what time is it?"he yawned.

"10:42 a.m"

His head snapped around to look at me "already?!"

"it's fine" i reassured him "we haven't missed breakfast"

There was a sudden bzzzz from my phone and i fished it out my back pocket, checking my notifications

Five notifications fromHadou~

Hadou : where are you guys i'm at breakfast?

Hadou  : You guys coming?

Hadou : They've got pancakes!

Hadou : Miriiiiioooooooo!


Blonde Stripper: we'll meet you at breakfast in 5!

I placed my phone back in my pocket and turned to Tamaki "You want to get some breakfast? they have pancakes..." he nodded happily.

At breakfast~
Tamaki and I sat down opposite Hadou, our plates stacked high with pancakes, she looked up from her food giving me a mischievous grin, making me feel slightly uneasy.

"Is there a reason why you wanted us here so urgently?" I questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Am I not allowed to have breakfast with my two best friends" she replied shining me an innocent smile.

"Cut to the chase" Tamaki said through mouthfuls of pancake.

I cupped his face with my hand and wiped away a drop of syrup lingering at the corner of his mouth, causing his face to burn red.

Hadou's eyes went from me to Tamaki "did I miss something?"

"Erh... sorry you were saying" I said ignoring her previous comment.

"Let's have a sleepover!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air joyfully.

"Sure, who's going?"

"Well it would be me, you, Tamaki and Kirishima"

"Kirishima?"I questioned.

"Oh, he's my friend from 1a" Tamaki explained "spiky hair, shark teeth, loud..."

꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now