🌸Chapter 6🌸

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Tamaki's Pov~

"I love you"


I felt my heart ball a fist in my chest as a suffocating silence took over, dread and anticipation pulsing through my veins. A sickening feeling took home in my stomach as I watched the colour drain from his face at my words. It was strange how these three words had so much power over the male.

Mirio took a step backwards as though the sentence had physically pushed him away. My stomach lurched, why was he so quiet? Why doesn't he say anything? Was it a mistake to tell him how I truly feel?

Mirio's pov~

His words seemed to choke me, as confusion seized my brain, I was drowning in my own emotional chaos. I don't want to loose my best friend, but can I return his feelings? I felt my chest tighten as images of the two of us 'together' flickered through my mind. Uncertainty glazed my features.

I, don't know...

I took another shaky step back.

I have to tell him how I feel... even if my answer is the question.

Do I like you?

"I-" My words where cut short by the tightening sensation in my throat. Tamaki turned to fully face me, his Indigo orbs burrowed into mine with an intensity I had never seen in him before. His brows furrowed slightly when I didn't continue, braking the gaze, his eyes darted back to the floor.

I don't want to hurt you, but...

"I don't know"

I need time to consider my answer.

Tamaki's Pov~

My blood ran cold, his words felt like a freshly opened stab wound to my heart.

So this is what rejection feels like...

I could already see the slight tremor in my hands, but I made no move to stop it, instead letting them twitch by my side.

"Oh... I see." I mumbled softly.

I kept my head down letting strands of my coarse indigo hair fall over my eyes, I could hear the rustle of fabric as Mirio shuffled uncomfortably in place.

"I... I should go" He muttered, panic leaking into his voice.

My eyes lingered on his back as he grew further away, jogging into the distance.

Great, I just scared of my best friend.

Time skip (Still Tamaki's Pov) to his apartment~

I let my bag slip out my hand falling, gently to the ground with a soft 'thud'. I dragged myself to the bed, collapsing into the plush mattress. I curled into a ball around my pillow, pressing my face into it's soft fabric.

If you don't know what I mean then imagine this but replace the guy with Tamaki.

I couldn't hold back any longer

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I couldn't hold back any longer. I felt my cheeks stain with warm tears as they dribbled down my cheeks; I sobbed morosely until my breathing was ragged and my tears had run dry.

I clutched the pillow feebly, what was I thinking..? Mirio would never like me. Even so, I can't just forget my feelings for him.

I turned onto my back analysing the mustard coloured wallpaper that peeled away at the edges revealing a soft carmine brick underneath.

What does 'I don't know even mean'?

Mirio's pov~

I slammed open the door of my apartment, panting slightly, in a few long strides I made it to my room; throwing my bag at the wall.

I flopped onto the bed letting out an aggravated sigh.

He loves me...

He brought up the courage to confess to me and all I could do was run away.

I'm pathetic...

How could I hurt my best friends feelings like that?

Hmm... 'best friend'  is that really how I think of him?

Or is it more than that...

I'm so sorry that this chapter took a while I took like a two week brake from writing but I'll be back on it now. Mirio is a little confused boi.



꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now