🌸 Chapter 9 🌸

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Key: anything in '...' (not "...") is something said in the past.

Mirio's pov~

72 hours since he disappeared

Damn it!

Damn it!

"Damn it!"

I slammed my fist against the smooth marble of the bathroom counter, slowly looking up, my eyes meet my trembling figure in the reflection.

My 'smilie guy' facade was cracked and crumbling, tears leaking from the corner of my eyes as I struggled to contain myself.

I bit roughly down on my bottom lip, the salty taste of blood spilling out into my mouth; a taste I was now all to well acquainted with.

Fumbling my hands over the counter top, my hand made contact with the cool tap, twisting gingerly, I gazed hazily as a gush of water began to fill the sink.

Twining my hands through its aqua locks, I splashed cool water over my face. Letting out a shaky sigh, I gripped the counter sides looking once again, into the depth of my navy blue eyes.

Hadou's unanswered question repeated on a stereo loop within my head. 'Mirio... do you like Tamaki?'

Damn it. how should I know?!

'Aww, you two should so get together!'

Damn it.

'You'll figure out your feelings'.

Damn it!

My heart balled a tight fist within my chest and my lungs seemed to constrict, squeezing all the air out of me. Was it always this hard to breathe?

Damn, I really am an idiot.

Tamaki's pov~

The days seemed to merge together. How long had it been? Two days? Weeks? It all felt the same.

Like a movie slowed down, scattered fragments of memories littered my mind; his cold hands, stern, taunting words and amber eyes trained on me like a hawk.

I had never realized how lucky I was to sleep on a bed until I was slumming it out on the rough concrete floor. My body ached from head to toe and I was beginning to notice small cuts engraved into my skin that were etching further up my arms each passing day. Maybe the thing that shook me the most was how alone I was, it hurt being so far away from my family, Hadou, Mirio and Kiri included.

Now that I think about it I left Mirio on bad terms, I wonder how he's coping, if he cares.

Only now did the severity of my situation dawn on me. I was alone. With a possible serial killer. In the middle of what looked to be an abandoned city.

But, after everything, there was some good news, after rummaging through countless pockets in my hero costume I came across a tracker, a piece of technology given to all the U.A students after the USJ attack. Whether it worked was another story though, one side of the tiny chip had been smashed in and a few loose wires stuck out the bottom. But none the less, it was a tracker and as long as I held onto this machinery there was a small flicker of hope for me.

"I hate to intrude", his smooth voice cooed "But I was lonely without you".

I snapped my head up to the source of the voice, simultaneously shoving the tracker into my trouser pocket.

He stalked closer hovering over my broken body like a bird of prey, his signature sly smirk crept onto his face, his eyes glinting mischievously in the dimmed moonlight.

"I think", he paused, delicately tilting my chin up to face him "That I should introduce you to the rest of my... little group".

A sickening dread made home in my stomach and my words seemed to catch in my throat. Managing a shy nod, I trailed after him like a lost puppy.

He lead me down another concrete corridor, lit only by the occasional fire escape lamp and lined with rows of decrepit antique photos; the duration of the short walk was held in heavy silence as the both of us refused to speak.

At the end of the twisting corridor we were met with a chunky wooden door pieced together with nails and super glue. To say the place was strange would be an understatement.

The door swung open on squeaky hinges, revealing a cramped room home to two other guys. They didn't seem bothered about my entrance, the shorter male looking me up and down quizzically.

"Who ya got there, Tei?" the same man spoke, pushing a few strands of his marmalade mop out of his eyes.

Leaving the man next to me, who I assumed to be Tei, no time to speak, the energetic man leaped out of his chair and began to shake his head in mock disappointment.

"Tut tut, Tei, you really shouldn't be kidnapping U.A students" glancing over at me gingerly, he bared a broad smile "I'm Mitsu by the way". The male extended his hand in what was presumably a handshake only for it to be slapped away by Tei. "No befriending the prisoner" the male stated sternly.

The third unnamed man exhaled a long exasperated sigh, slamming his already cracked glass against the table.

"I'm done with this shit", he snarled bitterly, raising his hand up to give a limp wave as he stalked out the room. "Call me when something important happens".

Mitsu's lips pressed together in a tight line as he furrowed his eyebrows in mild frustration "On a serious note, why did you kidnap him?"

"Informational purposes" Tei replied, shrugging his shoulders casually. "We could learn a lot about U.A from him".

In return the man made a small grunt turning his attention back to me. "You" he stuck out his thumb motioning behind him "Back room".

I stood frozen to the spot, whatever these people wanted with me wouldn't be good and plus I wasn't chained up, if there was anytime to run it would be now.

"I know what you're thinking" Mitsu began, running a hand through his apricot tresses "Don't try anything".

Tei, the psychotic male who kidnapped me, added to the little warning in dark amusement.

"Trust me, you'll regret it".

꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now