🌸Chapter 8 🌸

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Mirio's pov~

12 hours.

It had been 12 hours since he disappeared. (And like three weeks since I updated 😰)

I was losing myself. I messaged my temples, trying to block out the oncoming migraine that began to eat away at my brain. Slouching deeper into my chair, I gulped down my fear.

Tamaki would be okay.

He had to be.

I pried my hands away from my face, resting them in my lap.

The clack of heels resonated down the corridor, followed by a stern female voice.


The lady placed a flimsy beige folder in my hands, it appeared to only hold one or two papers.

"It's all we could find."

She didn't wait for a response, turning sharply on her heels, leaving me staring at the small, slightly crinkled photo of Tamaki, alone.

The picture had been stuck on lopsided with a generous supply of glue, he looked about seven or so and his lips were turned up in a wobbly smile.

I felt my heart stutter, he was just so innocent, so cute, and now... he was missing. I felt so empty without him.

With hesitation I flipped to the first page and my eyes scanned the lack of information printed in bold letters.

Name: Tamaki Amajiki.

Age: 17.

DOP: 4th March.

Appearance: pale skin; indigo hair and eyes.

Association: Yuei; hero course.

Status: MISSING.

I turned the page.

Tamaki Amajiki was last seen at the USJ, at the time of the supposed abduction, the exact time of his kidnapping is unknown.

His current condition is Unknown.

Whether there are witnesses to the attack is unknown.

The villain/villains involved in the attack are unknown.

The only clue left behind by this villain/villains was a small pool of blood found out to be belonging to Amajiki.

And then it hit me.

He's hurt. He is alone, and hurt.

It's like I had been plunged into ice cold water, like I was drowning, sinking deeper into the depths of anguish. I was kicking, screaming, thrashing around like a maniac. Anything to resurface; Anything to break away from the cold harsh reality that Tamaki... was gone.


Tamaki's pov~

I pealed open my eyes and was overcome with the pungent stench of sewage, the secluded room I was being held in was littered with charred cigarette stubs and empty coke bottles and the concrete walls were caked in mildew, leaving the air thick and heavy.

I had no bindings and was free to roam the tattered room, which was their first mistake.

I may be a student, but I'm a hero in training and I can handle myself.

First, I tried the obvious, reaching out for the rusted steel doorknob. To my dismay, it rattled, but made no move to budge. Taking a step away from the door, I re-observed the room.

A crack of light seeped through the only window, illuminating shards of the dimly lit room. Tracing my fingertips along the rim of the window, I peeped out.

Morning rays bathed the streets in an ominous glow and a dense wall of sage green ivy clung to what was left of the decrepit building, opposite. The road itself was cracked with jagged shards of earth and tarmac poking out at right angles, leaving the area devoid of human life.

The thought of jumping from a three story building with nothing to break the fall did not sound appealing in the slightest, so it seemed I was back to square one.

A strange wave of deja vu washed over me as I sensed a familiar dark presence behind me. The aura in the room seemed to shift and I found myself growing cold as goosebumps formed over my bear skin.

"It looks as though the pretty birdie is awake"

Cautiously I swivelled around, indigo meeting a striking amber.

The man who stood in front of me appeared lanky and malnourished, with tufts of mustard yellow hair falling over his eyes.

Although his smile seemed genuine, I couldn't shake of the intensity his eyes held.

I am a future hero, I should be scanning him from head to toe, analysing and memorising his every feature, every detail, every movement. Weaknesses and strengths. Yet, in the moment all I could do was stare into the depths of his amber eyes, so full of hatred and determination brimmed with anguish yet stripped of all emotion; unreadable and hollow, a bonfire of insanity hid behind those lidded eyes.

He raised his hand and gently brushed it against my cheek, mumbling the soft incoherent chant 'pretty, pretty birdie' under his breath.

He raised his hand and gently brushed it against my cheek, mumbling the soft incoherent chant 'pretty, pretty birdie' under his breath

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I thought we could use some adorable fanart to change the mood.

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