🌸 Chapter 21 🌸

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I tugged him closer by the strands of his disheveled indigo hair, despite my desperate grasp my lips moved gently against his soft ones, as though if I pushed any harder he would shatter into a million delicate pieces. My hands traveled down his toned back, pressing into the grooves of what was now skin and bone, until they sat snugly against his thin hips, dragging him in until our bodies pressed flush against one another eliciting a muffled whimper from the smaller male.

I pulled away my chest heaving as I gasped in the cool night air, I glazed my eyes over Tamaki, our lips still connected by a single glistening string of saliva, his eyes were round and glassy much like a dolls and his lips were rosy and swollen despite the lack of pressure.

The sky had been enveloped in a peachy glow  sparing a soft light that consumed the park In it's morning warmth, had we continued to be shrouded in darkness I would have missed It, but as I looked back to admire his face only then did the daunting realisation of his state hit me.

His body was deathly thin, the prominent juts of bone exaggerating the oversised T-shirt that fell loosely around his hips. The T-shirt itself was caked in mud and a dried burgundy substance I assumed was blood, tares and rips left gaping wholes where bruised flesh lay beneath and his arms, much like his legs, were littered with bloodied cuts so precise and clean the only explanation would be a knife. I gulped back bile as my navy irises trailed further down to the expanse of his thigh, from what I could make out the flesh itself had been eroded, making it seem as though a mine had detonated within, leaving a crater, a constant reminder of the hardship and torture he must have faced.

"I'm... so sorry", my whispered apology was tuned out by the winds throwing violent tantrums around us, whipping at the delicate trees that remained.

Careful of the wounds painting his body red, I pulled him again into a gentle embrace, pressing soft kisses to the unmarred crook of his neck. "You were so brave", my praises were most likely muffled by his paled skin, but if there was a chance he'd hear them, then I'd continue. Only when I felt warm droplets staining my shirt did I pause. Tilting his chin up, I stared into the leaky pools of his overflowing indigo eyes "It's over now" I pressed a feather-light series of kisses to his lips, "I won't let them hurt you again".

I slid my hands beneath him, pulling him into me as I stood up, cradling his broken form in my arms. I couldn't decipher what scared me more, how sickly light his frame was, or how silent he remained as I whisked him away to my car. Tamaki was shy, I'm well aware, but it was still unlike him to silently endure what he liked to call 'public humiliation' aka when I carried him. I wasn't about to push him to talk though, if he needed his space I'd give him that, I've known him long enough to know you can't force it out of him.


A flurry of doctors and nurses huddled around us, well, more specifically Tamaki, grabby hands prying at his eyes and prodding at his wounds. I nonchalantly slipped my hand into his, lacing our fingers together and squeezing firmly. He hated this, you could tell by the slight quiver of his bottom lip or the twitch of his hand, he hated hospitals; hated being babied.

His hand fell from mine as he was placed in a hospital bed and patrolled down the starch white corridors. I couldn't help but feel empty without his touch, I had been so ignorant to his and my own feelings that we both ended up getting hurt, maybe it was a selfish demand, but he couldn't leave now. I just got him back, just admitted my true feelings, it was too soon to loose it all. If a future together was a possibility I wouldn't let the villains take that from us, but from were I was standing now it looked like they already had.

I may be no doctor but the damage applied to his body didn't look minor, he could loose his shot at being a hero, or even his life but all I can do is helplessly pray that he'll be okay, some hero I am.


Blinding lights blurred my already spotted vision and I was having a hard time making out if I was paralysed or strapped down. A gas mask was attached to my face and I gasped in a breath I didn't know I was holding in. The air tasted sweet, like a punch of fruit to my lungs, it almost distracted me from the prick of needles entering my body. My senses to drugged and overcome by the strange sensations to fight of sleep. I could feel my eyelids drooping, would this be the last time I ever closed them? The cold darkness was clutching at my leg, threatening to pull me under, but I was so tired of the cold loneliness, I wanted to feel Mirio's warmth. Where was he?

I reached my hand into the air, my body struggling to follow as I desperately grasped at my narrowing vision. But my attempt was halted by multiple sets of hands pushing me back into the darkness. "No", I was surprised by the croak to my voice as even my ability to speak was stollen from me, however, I didn't have much time to dwell on it as the darkness lunged forward, it's cold clammy hands locking onto my torso and pulling me down into nothingness.

Only a few chapters left, I've almost given up on this book several times but thanks for y'all support, it means a lot.

꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now