🌸 Chapter 23 🌸

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My hand swept through his overgrown fringe, brushing it aside as my fingers trailed lower down his perfect face, his eyes never left mine, not even as I leant in and gently pressed my lips against his softer ones. The room stilled as our lips connected, there was no friction, no movement, just his lips pressed against mine. I pulled away, his eyes still locked to mine with a slight dusting of pink across his pale cheeks.

I dared a glance at Hadou, her features had turned stoic but it didn't take a genius to know she was upset. It was written clear as day in those swirling azure eyes of hers - the hurt encapsulated in that fury of blue already at the verge of spilling. I whipped my head back around as audible sniffles filled the air. I didn't look back, not even at the padding of footsteps growing distant or the quiet shut of a door.

My eyes trailed back to Tamaki, a frown worming it's way into his soft features, "I thought Hadou would accept us for being... gay" his whole body seemed to deflate, his head drooping so that his eyes were concealed by thick indigo. "How... depressing".

"No", I answered back instantly, "it's not like that, she just needs some time, it's... complicated. But it has nothing to do with us being gay".

He slipped his hand into mine, adjusting his fingers so that they were sandwiched in between each of my fingers. "I.. I haven't seen you this nervous in a while Mirio" he held up our entwined hands "You're trembling, what's wrong?"

I stared down at where we were connected, he was right my hands were trembling erratically, as though they had a mind of their own. I sighed, tightening my grip as I spoke hoping it would calm the violent shaking, "It's just been to much" I laughed, all be it a little sourly. "When it came down to it, when it really mattered I wasn't... I wasn't-". His hand moved from mine, travelling up my arm and past my neck where it matted in my hair. It's like he had stolen my ability to speak, my lips parted slightly and I was left wondering where this sudden urge of confidence had come from. The Tamaki I knew was a blushing mess whenever we held hands, but hell, I wasn't about to complain.


I pretended not to notice his shocked expression and the slight cherry tint to his cheeks. I used my hand, still tickling the fine hairs at the nape of his neck, to pull him closer to me, scooting to the edge of the bed to make room for him. He obliged without protest, slipping into the bed beside me, his free arm wrapping round my waist and tugging me into a loose embrace. I reciprocated by placing my head against his broad chest, letting my eyelids flutter shut as I basked in his warmth. "Mirio?" I mumbled softly against him my words slightly muffled by his lilac shirt. "Yes", he replied, his tone soft and sleepy.

"Talk. What's on your mind?"

My eyes cracked open in return to his silence, my head craning to decipher his expression. He met my gaze with his own, his eyes, for once, revealed nothing. "I've never felt so powerless before, when you were kidnapped". I reached my hand out, running a finger along the soft edge of his rounded jawline and up to caress his plump cheeks. I don't know what had come over me... but he needed this right now. He needed me to be there for him in his time of doubt and anxiety. He continued, "I... I'm meant to be a hero, dammit. But I just got so e.. emotional and it c..clouded m..my judgement a..and-" oh boy the waterworks were coming now, hot gloopy tears carving rivers down his face and pooling on the plain hospital sheets covering us. I didn't wipe away his tears as they fell, knowing that this was something he needed to get out of his system. Instead my hand remained suction-cupped to his cheek, gently rubbing the pad of my thumb over the sensitive skin there. "W..what if ", his voice cracked, "I didn't m..make it in time. What i..if y..you... you-".

"You did make it in time though, stop with the what ifs". I knew this was hypocritical of me, as this was the advice Mirio, on multiple occasions, gave to me. Advice that my pessimistic anxious mind could never take.

"B..but your l..leg-".

I pulled him down again this time by the neckline of his shirt, so close I could feel his warm rasped breath against my lips. I rested my forehead against his, painfully aware of his blistering hot skin against mine. My nose nuzzled against his upturned one, the remainder of his tears dampening my cool skin. "No buts Mirio".

And with that, I kissed him, taking away any chance he had at protesting further.

Unlike last time, it wasn't gentle. A tangle of bodies, a wrestle of tongues, hands, pulling grabbing, squeezing. Never in my life did I ever think I'd be capable of something so animalistic or bold.

I forgot the tugging and itching of the wires hooked on my body as Mirio's lips parted from mine, drifting across my jaw with soft, sweet pecks trailing down to my neck. His lips grew more desperate with every kiss and I could feel the forming of bruises on my neck. And then his lips were back on mine again. Tongue delving into unexplored territory, viscous as he battled for dominance.

Then, as quickly as it had started, it was over. His forehead rested in the crook of my neck, his steamy breath cooking my skin alive as he gasped for air.


Everything felt so perfect in that moment, like a crazy psycho didn't attempt to murder the both of us and we weren't in a hospital ward for the crippled and elderly.

I heaved in air, tugging at Tamaki's hospital gown as his hands traced obscure shapes on my bare back. If you're wondering where my shirt is, well it's a few feet away discarded somewhere between the heart monitor, which by the way was of the charts, and a bookshelf.

He shuffled in my lap his bony ass now pushing against my.. umm- er... ding-dong.

Feeling a little awkward now, I pushed my weight forward so that I was hovering over him. Our eyes forced to meet in a dance of indigo and blue. I could see the beginning of a shy smile creeping onto his swollen lips and his eyes averted mine as a rosy blush swept his cheeks.

It was contagious, really, and before I could stop myself a dumb grin curled at my lips and my cheeks had heated up just like his.

And again I closed the distance though my intent this time differed from the rest. It must have come as a surprise to him, as my lips hit his jaw, as on impact he almost yelped. I continued to press sloppy, probably wet, kisses upon his face. Laughing as he squirmed beneath me. Slurs of "eww Mirio" and "gross" only fuelling me more.

And then my hands came into play, sliding under his gown before he even had the chance to squeal out. I let my fingers wriggle over his sensitive skin until he was a sweaty, laughing mess in my hands.  "You're impossible, Mirio" he heaved out, despite the curling smile glued to his lips.

I doubt I could ever forget a moment as serene as this, watching you laugh and smile so purely, the skin around your eyes crinkling up in shared ecstasy. I could feel myself fall all over again. The butterflies in my stomach fluttering in such a delightful way, leaving that warm fuzzy feeling that erupted throughout my chest. I know it won't always be this way, we're heros after all, destined to crash and burn on the battlefield. I feel the overwhelming urge to protect you from that, I always have, but I know you have your own path as a hero to follow. One where you will flourish, availed only by your own strength, a path that doesn't need me to protect you, one that I pray will intertwine with mine. But even if I can't protect you I promise you this, Tamaki amajiki, no matter what stands in my way, be it land or
Sea I will always, always, be there for you.


Can you tell that I've never really been to a hospital?

I'll probably do an epilogue cuz I know y'all need a little more gay in your life.

Also I'm happy to take requests for future ships, although I do plan to write my own book called 'When Coral Blooms' which will also be gaaay.

Anyway thank you so much for reading, you guys are hilarious and I love reading your comments, this all means so much to me.


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