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"What's the point of you lying?" I asked Rubi.

"I'm trying to work things out with you Jordan. I know what I did was horrible but I'm really trying. I thought this baby would bring us back together." She said.

"Whatever used to be between us is in the past and that's how it'll stay baby or not. I don't want to be with you and you need to understand that. We don't even know if the baby is mine." I walked to her door.

"Jordan I know I slept with him but it's yours. I'm not lying to you." She protested.

"You know I can't believe you, the test is for the both of us." I said.

She sighed and looked away.

"Jordan, baby or not I'll always love you." She kissed me on my cheek.

"You have to move on because I am." I said.

"You don't love me anymore?" She got teary eyed.

"Rubi, I'll always have love for you but I'm not in love with you anymore." I said

I opened her door and began walking out.

"I'll see you next week when we do that test." I closed her door and walked out.

I got in my car and called Aaliyah but it went to voicemail and I sighed. Rubi lied and there was no doctors appointment. This was just one of her tactics to get me to her place.

I was frustrated and angry and decided just to go home.

This week was a big week and I knew I would be working more than I have since I've been here. I haven't seen Jordan or even really spoke with him since he had his emergency last week. I asked Ian if that was normal and he said it was but, something didn't sit well with me.

Its two days before his birthday and we were meeting up at the house that the party would take place at today.

I pulled up to the house and seen two cars. I walked into the house and seen Ian talking to a guy in a suit. I walked up and made my presence known and introduced myself.

I looked around and I seen a handful of people except Jordan.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked.

"He's feeling sick so I need you to go over there and bring him some stuff. We got two days to get this nigga better so maybe your nursing skills will come in handy." He said.

Ian gave me thirty dollars and sent me a list of stuff he needed. I ended up at a Giant Eagle that wasn't too far from the house.

I grabbed a basket and looked at the list seeing orange juice specifically with pulp as the first thing listed. I made my way to the isle and started looking over the different brands grabbing the cheapest one.

"Aaliyah?" I heard and turned around.

"Hey Santana." I smiled giving him a hug.

"Wassup stranger, how you been?" He smiled.

"Good and busy how about you?" I smiled.

"Same I ain't mean to go ghost on you like that. When the next time you free?" He asked.

"Well I'm free tomorrow that's about it. After that I won't really be free." I said.

"Well how about I take you out tomorrow night? We can do whatever you want." He asked.

"Uh yeah that's fine." I smiled.

"I'll talk to you later." He hugged me and walked away.

I continued to walk through the store and get all of the other stuff on the list and this guilty feeling started to set in. I always feel like I owe my loyalty to someone even in the talking stage but, I didn't want to just kick Santana to the side. What if things didn't work out with Jordan and I?

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