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Aaliyah - A week later
For a whole week I've been doing nothing but staying inside, tending to my injuries, and working on myself. I hadn't had any visitors and Santana broke my phone so I hadn't gotten around to getting a new one. I wanted to blame myself so bad for what Santana did to me but I realized I can't do that.

It's unhealthy and I did nothing to make him hurt me like that. I'll admit I probably shouldn't have antagonized Santana by telling him I slept with Carti but I think he would've done it regardless. He's sick, has a real mental issues, and is obsessive over me.

I was currently packing because I didn't feel safe staying here anymore. I was scared he would come back and hurt me again especially with all the shit being said on twitter. The way he left me I'm pretty sure he thought he killed me. From what Ian said he thought I was dead.

I took a break from packing and started getting myself together. I told myself by the end of the week I would leave my apartment and go handle things I've been putting off. I knew I had to get a new phone and I had apartments to go look at since I had to move out by the end of the month.

I looked at my bruises in the mirror and they were starting to heal and the swelling was gone. I still wasn't comfortable going out of the house with the bruises but I didn't cover them up. I threw on these big black square sunglasses and looked at myself in the mirror.

I kept my lights on and locked my door. I didn't want to come home to a dark house and be attacked or some shit. I went down to the garage and got in my car for the first time in a week. I smiled because it still smelled new.
I put my bags in my back seat and got in my car just sitting here for a minute. Everything was taken care of back home but now I was back and I had shit to take care of here. I hadn't heard or seen Aaliyah since the day all that shit happen. Ian told me she didn't have a phone and she been cooped up in her apartment all week. Apart of me wanted to pop up on her but I didn't know the state she was in right now and wanted to respect her space.

It was late anyway and all I wanted to do was sleep. In Atlanta all I did was stay in the studio and chill with my family so sleep wasn't something I got a lot of. I pulled up to a gas station and got out going inside. I grabbed some chips and a few Fanta's from the cooler.

I paid for my stuff and got back in my car putting the bag in the passenger seat. I heard my phone vibrating in the cup holder and picked it up. The number was unknown but it was a California area code. I let it go to voicemail and pulled off stopping right at a red light. The number called back again and I answered it this time.

"Hello?" I said irritated.

"Hey..." I heard Aaliyah's voice on the other end.

"Hey wassup?" I smiled pulling off as the light turned green.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Good, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm better than I was not going to lie. Not a hundred percent but I'm close." She said.

Hearing her speak so positive made me happy and I was glad she was talking optimistically.

"I'm happy to hear that Li." I said.

"Can I come see you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm on my way home I'll text you when I get there." I said.

"Okay bye." She said hanging up.

I pulled into Carti's complex and turned the car off. I sat there for a minute trying to calm myself down. I was nervous to see him because I knew how things ended the last time we spoke and I had these bruises on my face. Overall I did miss him and I was grateful for how concerned he was about me and how much he checked up on me through Ian.

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