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Aaliyah - 4 weeks later
I laid on Jordan's chest and just sat here thinking about a lot. We were getting closer to the end of tour and we were in Atlanta for the next three days. He had a sold out show last night of course and he had the time of his life.

Santana and I were still together if that's what you wanted to call it. We haven't talked that much in the past four weeks because we both have just been busy. He was looking forward to seeing me when I came home but I wasn't.

I liked being on tour and being with Jordan made it so much better. We were still fucking around with each other and the guilt I felt in the beginning was no longer there. I'm focusing on what makes me happy and Jordan makes me happy.

"Whatchu thinking about so early in the morning?" Jordan asked.

"Us." I said looking at him.

"Oh so we an us now?" He smirked.

"I mean that's what it feels like but in reality we're not..." I said.

"What's the reality?" He asked.

"Things aren't officially broken off with Santana so its like you're my side nigga or friends with benefits." I said.

"Quit playin' with me." He smack his lips.

"I'm not saying that's what you are to me I'm just saying that's the reality." I sat up.

He got up and started getting stuff ready for a shower. I rolled my eyes and and sighed because he had an attitude now.

"I wonder has Samuel took you to meet his mom yet?" He turned around folding his arms.

"No he's hasn't." I folded my arms.

"I thought he really cared about you and loves you..? That's crazy 'cause I'm the side nigga but I'm taking you to meet my mom today." He said nonchalantly.

"Jordan you serious?" I ask.

"What does that show you Aaliyah? I think it shows who really care and who really the side nigga." He said grabbing his towel.

"Jordan, are you really mad at me?" I asked walking up to him.

"I'm not mad I'm just saying that's reality baby." He shrugged and walked towards the bathroom.

"Jordan..." I said but he ignored me.

I followed behind him and he smacked his lips turning around facing me.

"Aaliyah I'm tryna shower." He said.

"And I'm tryna talk to you." I said.

"Look you made valid points and so did I. I still want you to meet my moms though. So you can either stand there while I shower or you can get naked and join me." He said calmly.

I rolled my eyes and took my shirt and panties off.

"Fix the attitude before I fix it for you." He said slapping my ass.

"Yeah okay you ain't my daddy." I said getting in the shower.

"That's not what you said last night." He got in the shower behind me.

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