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"Home sweet home." I said walking into my apartment.

Our break from tour started today and everyone was just as excited as I was to get back home. We all had our own little plans so we wouldn't be seeing each other for a little over a week. Ian and I had a meeting to discuss my designs in the middle of the week and I was excited.

I looked around my apartment and already seen so many things I wanted to change. I loved the current set up of my place but I definitely wanted something new.

I dragged my bags into my spare room and made a mental note to deal with them later. I walked into my living room and sat on the couch looking through my mail.

I heard a knock on the door and got up walking up to it and looking through the peep hole. I saw Santana and rolled my eyes before opening the door.

"Hey." I said letting him in.

"Wassup." He walked in and took a seat.

"I wanna apologize for the way I acted a few days ago. That's not like me and I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm sorry for accusing you of that stuff and I believe you." He said.

"That shit was totally out of line you know that? It made me uncomfortable if we're being honest." I sat on his lap and grabbed his jaw making him look at me.

"That shit makes me uncomfortable thinking about it. I just want you to know that's not who I am." He said.

"Why would you say that stuff about him?" I said.

"I was just talking shit for real baby. It was out of line I know I'm sorry for that too." He said.

"Don't let it happen again you hear me?" I said.

"Mhm gimmie a kiss." He licked his lips.

"Nah you ain't off the hook that easy son." I laughed.

"Yeah yeah whatever girl." He smiled.

"I'm serious Sin, I need you to really understand that upset me. I don't like that side of you and that Sin I talked to wasn't the Sin I know." I said.

"I understand you baby I promise. I'm serious when I say I'm sorry and I hope it's sincere enough for you. I really mean that shit from the bottom of me heart." He said.

"You do understand that at the end of day before Carti is my friend that he is one of my bosses. I would never disrespect you." I said.

"I understand you and I don't wanna hurt you either. I was just too busy trying to be your little hero I got caught up." He said.

I pecked his lips twice and wrapped my arm around his neck.

"That's it? I ain't seen you in weeks and I just get two little pecks?" He laughed.

"What more do you want? I don't think you deserve shit after the way you acted." I laughed.

"You right but that don't mean you don't deserve some love." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed.

He picked me up and walked me to my room. He laid me down kissing on my neck and collar bone.

"Oh so you tryna give me some play huh?" I laughed as he kissed my neck.

"Whatever you want baby." He said.
I woke up from my sleep and it was about nine at night. Apart of me was thankful Sin left because I just wanted to be alone. I got up getting in the shower and let the water flow off of my body for a while. I let my mind wander where it wanted and it went to what happened some hours prior.

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