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I woke up the next day pissed at the whole situation that went down last night. It seems like every time I try to move on from Rubi or things start going good for me she comes and fucks everything up.

I attempted to call Aaliyah multiple times last night and I stopped by her house but she wasn't having it. Ian told me I would have to wait it out and when she was ready she would talk to me.

I smoked my blunt while looking out the window just thinking. I heard the doorbell ring and went to open the door.

"Wassup, you good?" Ian said walking in with Pierre.

I shook my head no and sat on my couch cheefing my blunt.

"None of this shit would've happened if I was there. Now your sister pissed at me, won't answer none of my texts or nothing." I felt my high kicking in.

"She hasn't talked to me either except asking me what time she had to be at my place in the morning." Ian said.

"Y'all about to be on tour for a whole two months that's more than enough time to get this straightened out." Pierre said.

"Nah we getting that shit done today." I said.

"How?" They asked.

"I called a doctor to come over here and I told Rubi to come over. We not bringing this shit on tour." I said.

I got up opening my door letting Rubi in and the doctor was right behind her.

"Why are they here?" She asked pointing to Ian and Pierre.

"For your protection." I said sitting down.

"Okay so this process will be real quick we just have to take blood from both of you and I'll be on my way. Do either of you have any questions for me?" She asked putting on her gloves.

"So how long do we have to wait for results?" I asked.

"About two to three businesses days so you should receive a call next week." She said.

"Anything else?" She looked between the both of us.

We shook our heads no and she walked to Rubi first. She wiped Rubi's arm down with an alcohol pad and started looking at her veins.

"Wait." She snatched her arm away as she was about to insert the needle.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked.

I looked up at Ian and Pierre and they shook their heads.

"Jordan, I have to tell you something." Rubi stood up.

I looked at her waiting for her to speak and she crossed her arms.

"There is no baby." She said.

"Whatchu mean? You got an abortion?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, I was never pregnant I just told you that so you would get back with me. When I seen that picture of you and that girl I got pissed and did what I did last night." She said not making eye contact with me.

"Be serious?" I said feeling my blood boil.

"I'm telling the truth and I'm sorry." She fixed her hair.

Pierre led the doctor out and I put my face in my hands trying not to blow the fuck up on her.

"Rubi if you was a nigga I would beat the fuck outta you right now. Get the fuck outta my house and don't contact me, pop up at none of my shows, none of that shit." I said.

"Is that a threat?" She asked.

"No, it's a promise that if you don't leave me the fuck alone you going to have trouble on your hands. Now get the fuck out." I stood up.

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