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Aaliyah - February 13th, 2018
I checked over my luggage mentally checking off everything I needed for this vacation. We'll be staying for five days so I started packing early. I hated leaving things behind so I always triple checked my things before flying. I still had no idea where we were going but that didn't effect my excitement.

This was him and I's first Valentine's day and I knew he was going to go above and beyond on everything he gives me. I was nervous to give him my gifts because I honestly didn't know what to gift him. He's really simple and always tells me my presence is the best gift I could give him but I had to get him something.

I walked into my living room and heard a knock on my door and rushed to the door to open it. Jordan hadn't been back here since last month and I missed him like crazy. That's another reason why I couldn't wait for this vacation aside from getting a break from work.

I opened the door immediately jumping in his arms and hugging him not wanting to let go. I heard him chuckle and he wrapped his arms around me as well. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you soo much." I smiled kissing him all over his face.

"I missed you too." He smiled.

"I can't wait to go on this vacation I'm so excited." I smiled and he let me down.

"You don't even know where we going." He said laughing.

"It doesn't matter because I'm going to be with you." I smiled and turned to go to my room.

"You want me to tell you where we're going now?" He asked sitting on my bed.

"Sure." I smiled leaning against the dresser.

"Cancun." He said crossing his arms.

"Mexico?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah I booked this private suite through the resort and it's off the beach. It has a pool and everything too." He said pulling up a picture showing me.

"That looks so romantic wow look at you." I smiled.

"Don't ever doubt me shawty." He said smiling.

"I didn't doubt you I'm just taken back that's all." I bent down zipping up my suitcase.

"Get used to it that's how the whole vacation is going to have you." He said and I looked up at him smiling.
We landed in Cancun after a four and a half hour flight and it was a little past six o'clock here. I was glad we still had a lot of the day ahead of us and the flight wasn't long so it didn't tire us out. Carti got us checked in and I stood off to the side letting everybody know we made it safe.

"You ready?" He asked handing me a key.

"More than ready." I smiled grabbing the key.

We walked down a hall and all of the suites were largely spaced apart. It added to the private and intimacy of each suite. I opened the door and turned on the lights taking in the atmosphere of the room.

The rooms were designed with asian influenced decor giving an exotic and soothing ambiance to the room. Looking out of the big window our villa was surrounded by gardens of trees, bushes, and flowers. It was bordered by the canals and lagoons, so it was really private.

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