Legally Blonde (Tony)

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Your 14 year old daughter was in a production of Legally Blonde as Elle Woods.

You and Tony were proud of her, considering the fact that she's been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression, and has a small history of self harm. You both were glad she's up for a challenge, especially something as big as this.

You took your seats and waited for the lights to dim.

Dear Elle, he's the perfect guy! I'm like, gonna cry, I've got tears coming out of my nose

Act proud! He's the campus catch, you're a perfect match 'cause you both have such great taste in clothes

Of course he will propose!

Tony's face lit up as he waited for your daughter's first part onstage.

timeskip to her part

It's almost there, but...

This dress needs to seal the deal, make a grown man kneel, but it can't come right out and say bride.

Can't look like I'm desperate or like I'm waiting for him, I've gotta leave Warner his prize...So bride is more implied!

Your eyes brimmed with tears, and Tony rubbed your back. You both knew how nervous she was for this, and you were so proud that she was finally coming out of her shell and trying something new. You never knew she was such an amazing singer, either. You assumed she got that from Tony.

Oh my god, oh my god, you guys, all this week I've had butterflies. Every time he looks at me, it's totally proposalized. Oh my god, you guys!

So help me dress for my fairytale! I can't wear something I bought on sale. Love is like, forever this is no time to economize

timeskip to the end of the play

As your daughter took her final bows, you and Tony stood up and applauded, as this was the most proud of her you've been in her whole life so far.

After everyone started getting up from their seats, your daughter ran up to you guys and jumped into Tony's arms.

"Baby girl, you did amazing! I'm so proud of you, sugar!" Tony said, holding her up and hugging her.

You stroked her hair with a huge smile on your face.

"Thanks, guys. Hey, I'm exhausted. Can we go home? And also, can I stay up all night and eat ice cream?" She asked, giving you both puppy dog eyes.

"We normally would never let you do this, but since you did so good, you may. But don't overdo it with the ice cream. We don't want you getting sick when you've got 4 more performances to go, princess." Tony stayed and kissed her cheek, and then yours.

The three of you went home, you and Tony proud as can be. You couldn't wait to see what amazing things your daughter would do in the future.

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