fuck yeah (mike)

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you were wearing a stay sick tank top, black high waisted shorts, fishnets, sunglasses, and your hair was in a high ponytail. your best friend and also crush, mike, was wearing a black sd muscle tank, black jeans, vans, sunglasses, and a snapback.

it was the last week of warped tour. your band and pierce the veil were touring together after warped was over, so it wasn't like you guys were leaving each other's sides anytime soon.

you were doing the bryan stars interview with pierce behind the camera.

"y/n, do you have any crushes on anyone in the warped lineup?" bryan asked. you turned bright red.

"before i say anything, let me just put it out there that this couch is moist. and yes, i do." you said and giggled. the bassist, drummer, and lead guitarist of your band all started teasing you.

"who the hell is it?" your drummer asked.

"someone from one of these two bands: pierce the veil or sleeping with sirens." you said, which left everyone dying to know.

everyone in the room screamed.

"now you have to tell us." bryan said.

"hell no! when he makes the first move i'll tell you." you yelled.


you were sitting outside your bus on a lawn chair, chatting with mike.

"will you tell me who your crush is?" he asked, taking a hit from his juul. you did the same and sighed.

"you." you said straight up, which left him in shock.

"wait, what the fuck?" he said in disbelief

"you heard me, dumbass." you said and giggled and hit his leg.

"be my girlfriend then." he said.

"wait, what the fuck?" you said, also in disbelief.

"i think you heard me, fuckass." he said and ruffled your hair.

"will you be my girlfriend or not?" he asked.

"fuck yeah, stupid." you giggled and jumped into his lap and kissed his cheek.

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