groupchat (all+a few others)

387 12 3

you added vic, mike, tony, jaime, kellin, ronnie, and andy to the chat

you: sup bitches
vic: it's 2:30 am what do you want
mike: you know we're all in the same house and we're all still awake. we could all just go downstairs and talk
tony: but my bed is warm
jaime: because i'm in it😏😏😏
tony; u wish
kellin: why did i agree to live with you guys
ronnie: because you didn't wanna pay rent for your own apartment so we bought a big ass house and here we are
andy: s t o p
you: sorry i was eating
vic: what the hell are you eating
you: an apple
jaime: i did now don't touch them they're mine
ronnie: bitch u better buy more
andy: jokes on you bitches i bought pasta and i'm not sharing it
you: i'm gonna fucking search this whole ass kitchen to try and find that pasta and i will make it right here right now
andy: n o s t o p
vic: y/n it's in the cabinet above the oven
tony: make some for all of us
you: can do
jaime: please tell me we have cheese
you: we do foo
kellin: omg i hear y/n in the kitchen
ronnie: lol andy's crying over his pasta
andy: do i at least get some pasta
you: no u were mean and hid it from us
tony: let's all go downstairs when y/n says the pasta is done
vic: not u andy u stay in your room
andy: v i c s t o p
jaime: i'm hungry hurry up
ronnie: also someone needs to buy more toilet paper
you: this is what i get for living in a house with 7 guys
kellin: yep
you: pasta's done bitches

and then they all ran downstairs except andy because he was too busy pouting about his pasta

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