lovestruck (tony)

306 11 1

"thank you so much, chicago!! i fucking love you!!" you yelled into the mic. you and your band had just finished your set. it was the second to last week of warped.

"ry, give me a shirt" you said to your tech guy. he threw you a shirt and a towel.

before you took your shirt off, jaime and tony came up to you.

"awesome set, y/n. wanna come to our bus later and hang?" jaime asked. tony put his hood up like a child.

"yeah, sure thing, nugget boy. hey turtle, what's up with you?" you joked. you took your shirt off, exposing your black lace bra. you started drying yourself with the towel. tony turned bright red.

"okay, we're gonna go before tony gets a boner." jaime said and pulle tony away. you chuckled. your brother, austin carlile. came up to you.

"i heard from a little bird that someone in another band has a massive crush on you." he said.

you looked at him, your shirt still off.

"oh really? name."

"i'm not gonna name them, because he's gonna kill me. i'll just say that he notices everything about you. he noticed you stopped coming to the trailer park parties, he noticed you dyed your hair, he noticed you put your bites back in, he noticed you didnt wear purple eyeshadow today. it's honestly annoying how much he talks about you." he said. you threw on the shirt your tech guy gave you.

"wow. i know there's another party tonight, so maybe i'll go just so i can meet this dude even though i probably already know him." you said and walked back to your bus. you knew almost everyone in every band on warped this year, so this probably wasn't gonna be hard.


chris fronzak from attila tapped your shoulder when you were vaping outside your bus.

"first of all, i know you vape with juice that has 0 milligrams of nicotine, so i won't have to go snitch on you to your brother. second of all, the party's now. it starts at pierce the veil's bus all the way down to mine. we've got beer." he said.

"oh, cool. let's go." you said, and you two started walking towards pierce the veil's bus.

"hey, do you know anything about this guy who has a crush on me? everyone's talking about it." fronz was like a second older brother to you. you could talk to him about anything.

"yeah, of course i do. nobody's telling you his name because they want to surprise you." he said. you made it to pierce the veil's bus.

"y/n, great to see you! tony's being super emo. mind going in the bus to go talk to him?" vic asks. you nod and smile and hear jaime high-five vic.

"tone?" you say, hoping he'll hear you. you look to the right and see him sitting on the couch by the little table holding a sign.

"go out with me, y/n?" it said.

it all made sense to you.

tony's the guy.

the guy who had the hots for you.

and the guy you have the hots for.

you hear the rest of pierce the veil come into the bus.

"so?" tony says.

you run over to him and sit on his lap and tackle him.

"is that a yes?" he said, muffled because his face was buried in your neck. you nodded and kissed his cheek.


you looked up and mouthed "thank you" to them.

tony hugged you tighter. wow, you were lucky.

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