Coming Soon

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Kim Taehyung is a broke uni student moonlighting as a pet whisperer for problem pooches. 

Jeon Jeongguk is a bunny hybrid with an attitude

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Jeon Jeongguk is a bunny hybrid with an attitude. 

"So, Mrs Kim, you said you were having bunny troubles?" Kim Taehyung looked around the spacious living room of his potential client looking for signs of a resident rabbit

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"So, Mrs Kim, you said you were having bunny troubles?" Kim Taehyung looked around the spacious living room of his potential client looking for signs of a resident rabbit. He found nothing to indicate that, but the gaming console tucked beneath the behemoth flatscreen TV suggested there was a teenager about somewhere. 

"Yes. I'm at my wits end, honestly! He used to be such a sweetheart, but since my son moved to Seoul to attend school he's been nothing but trouble. He doesn't listen to a word I say. Won't eat what I give him. And the mess! It's like living with a natural disaster!"

Taehyung smiled sympathetically as she spoke. Pets could become quite a handful if they were unhappy. 

"You should see his room. Rips all his bedding. You should see the state of my poor throw cushions, not a survivor among them. Not to mention the tantrums. We've had him for years, you'd think he'd be past that. Oh and the talking back..." 

Taehyung nodded.  "Well it sounds like you have your hands full. Could I meet him?"

"Oh, yes, of course." She walked to the adjoining hall and called down it. "Jeongguk!" 

He must be well trained if he came to his name. This job might be easier than he anticipated. 

But after a few moments no rabbit appeared and Mrs Kim sighed in long sufferance. "Probably in his room again. I swear he never comes out of there." She muttered to herself before giving him a tight smile. "Excuse me." 

She disappeared from sight, calling to 'Jeongguk' as she went. Taehyung merely waited in the tastefully beige room, rocking back on his heels slightly as he hummed a snippet of the last song he'd heard playing on the bus ride over.

She reappeared a short time later, a harried look on her face. She gave Taehyung another one of those tight smiles as he raised his eyebrows curiously at her. "He's on his way." 

He frowned quizzically. "Okay." He agreed slowly, wondering why she just hadn't picked him up and carried him out. Did he bite? He made a mental note to wear gloves when he handled him, just in case. 

"Jeongukk!" She yelled again. "If you don't get out here, mister, I swear I'll -" 

She didn't get to finish the sentence before a dark haired boy, presumably the teenager that belonged to the console, emerged, scowling, from the hallway. He would have been cute if it weren't for the sour expression on his face. Glossy, dark hair; big, brown eyes; a jawline that could cut glass, not to mention the attractive breadth of his shoulders hinted to beneath the loose black tee. 

"Okay, okay, hang on, wouldya?" His voice was husky, as though he'd just woken.

"Finally! Took you long enough." 

Tae tilted his head to look around the boy for some sign of the rogue rabbit, confused when there was nothing.

"Uh... So where's Jeongguk?"

The boy swept passed him, his eyes rolling, to jump over the back of the couch and settle himself cross-legged. A controller seemed to appear in his hands.  Taehyung dismissed him. Cute or not, he wasn't here to deal with the boy. There was a rascally rabbit to tame.

"Jeongguk, don't be rude. Say hello to Mr Kim." His client encouraged and Tae searched the floor again. Where was the little guy?

The boy on the couch grunted softly and, to Taehyung's utter astonishment, two black rabbit's ears began to lift from the thick, waving mass of his hair. One swiveled to face Mrs Kim and Taehyung, the other stayed perked toward the television.

"Jeongguk." Mrs Kim said in a warning tone. 

"Hello, Mr Kim." He monotoned, not looking away from the screen. 

"See what I mean?" 

Taehyung turned away from gawping at Jeongguk, with difficulty, to address Mrs Kim. "I- uh. He's the bunny with the attitude?" 

A/N New story! I actually planned this one out, haha. I'll start publishing next week sometime once I'm caught up on all my other fics. 

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