Thirty Seven

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On the Wednesday following dinner with his family, Taehyung received a message saying delivery of his purchase was due tomorrow and asking if anyone would be home. Which was weird, because he hadn't made any purchases. Even though his inheritance afforded him the luxury of discretionary purchases, the last three years of poverty had made him miserly. He opened the message and clicked on the link to view his purchase. He let out a long suffering sigh and closed it again. Going back to the message he chose the option to collect his parcel from the nearest collection point, considering no one would be home during the estimated delivery times. Then he opened his contacts and composed a quick message to his brother.

Did you just buy my bunny a PS4? Seriously?

Someone had to

No, they really didn't. We were doing just fine without one. Excessive video game use is bad for hybrids. And humans, while we're at it.


I can't believe we're related

Yeah, yeah, next time ask me first?

Why? I didn't buy it for you

I literally just told you why.

Chill hyung It's not that big a deal

He sighed again. In a way Jeongyu was right, it wasn't a big deal. Jeongguk had had a console before at the Kim's and it had been an effective reward for completing tasks and behaving appropriately. But his rabbit hybrid was finally healthy and happy. He worried the distraction of a gaming console might have the boy falling back into old, bratty habits.

He knew that Jeongguk tended to get wrapped up in the games he played online, ignoring the world around him to staggering degree. It irked him when he had to call the boy's name over and over before he finally got his attention, and only for the briefest of moments at that before his ears would swivel back to the tv and signalling the direction of his true interest. Truth be told, Taehyung got a teensy bit jealous when Jeongguk played his games. It was the only thing forced him to compete for the hybrid's undivided attention.

Not to mention the nature of the relationship he had cultivated with Jeongguk had a very definite power dynamic that neither of them spoke of, but both keenly understood. Taehyung stipulated the details of every aspect of the hybrid's life, keeping him to a strict routine that had pulled him from the terrible depths of his depression over Namjoon's rejection.

He was Jeongguk's owner. They hadn't spoken of it properly yet. He knew the bratty hybrid abhorred the idea of being a pet. But that was precisely what he was. He was Taehyung's to provide for, nurture and protect, to guide, reward and discipline. Jeonggyu was well meaning, but he was treading dangerously close to an aspect of his relationship with Jeongguk that Taehyung held sacred and it stirred his possessive streak.
These reasons were too long, and too personal to put in a text to his younger brother, though so he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a calming breath before replying.

Look, I appreciate the gesture, I really do. And I'm sure Guk will be thrilled. Just ask me before making these sorts of purchases next time please.


He could almost hear the petulance in Jeonggyu's reply, but if it meant that his brother would abide by his wishes, he didn't mind.

Thank you.

He didn't get anything back, but then, he wasn't expecting to. Putting his phone away in his pocket, he walked through the sliding doors of the shopping centre located within walking distance of campus. He had two hours between classes, not enough time to bother going home, but still a sizable chunk of his day. Usually he would spend it in one of the many cafes dotted around his university, tucked away in a quiet corner, nursing a cup of coffee studying or working on assignments. But today he had an agenda.

"I'd like to have this engraved please." He told the middle aged man at the combination key cutting and shoe repair kiosk, sliding over the small metal object and a piece of paper with the message he wanted.

The guy read over the message and turned the trinket in his hands. He nodded agreeably. "Not a problem. We charge by the character."

Taehyung nodded absently, his mind already on his plans for the trinket. The kiosk vender pulled out a calculator and tapped on the keys before writing the total below Taehyung's neat script in a hand so elegant it was almost calligraphy. 

"That's fine." He agreed with a glance before the man had the chance to ask him. "When it will be ready?"

"A few minutes." The vender shrugged, pinching the the cool metal between his fingers and crossing over to the vice in the corner and spinning the handle to open it. Once it was secured, he picked up the thick engraver and began etching, transforming Taehyung's abstract feelings into something eternal. He brushed the small flecks of metal from the heart and carefully removed the burrs, then polished it on a fluffy spinning wheel to a high gloss that made Taehyung hesitant to touch it for fear of marring the mirrored surface. Solving his problem, the man slipped the item into a white paper bag and handed it to him. Taehyung thanked him politely, paid and left.

Jeongguk was of course ecstatic when they got home. He immediately unboxed the parcel in their living room. In fact he was so excited Taehyung had had to remind him to dispose of the plastic, foam and cardboard he'd littered around him from his enthusiastic unboxing. He'd also agreed to delay their shower, just this once, so the excited bunny could set up his accounts and begin any downloads that might be required. He'd also reminded him to send a proper thank you to Jeonggyu. Yes, even if he was going to be playing with him later that night anyway. He'd gotten a sassy, 'ok mum', in reply but a warning look from him had been enough to cow the hybrid into a meek apology and pulling out his phone to do as he was told.

But as it turned out, Taehyung needn't have worried so much about the addition to their home. Jeongguk accepted the time limits he imposed without much fuss. Plus, it actually gave Taehyung some quiet time alone to study or on the naughty occasion, have some play time of his own. Very few things thrilled Taehyung like the idea of the oblivious hybrid no more than a room away, completely unaware of the sensual delights Taehyung practiced in preparation for their time together. He was almost ready.

A/N OMG I forgot my note SMH

Anyways, almost done with this one. Je suis triste

Next chapter we check in on JK.

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