Twenty One

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It’d been two weeks since Taehyung had left the Kim’s and he had not been back since. Each appointment he had cried off, using work or make up exams or his move to the property his father had bequeathed him as an excuse. But the truth was none of that would have stopped him from keeping his commitments to Jeongguk before. No, he was hurting and he wasn’t sure he could face Jeongguk right now. 

He couldn’t postpone it any longer, though. It was the end of term, exams were done, he hadn’t had any other clients since his father had passed away and what scant belongings he had were already in the new, larger apartment. So he slung his backpack over his shoulder and boarded the bus that would take him to Jeongguk.

“Taehyung. It’s so good to see you again.” Mrs Kim greeted him, instead of the usual Jeongguk.

“Hi, Mrs Kim. Sorry it’s been so long, I’ve just been so busy...” She gave him a sympathetic smile and ushered him inside.

“Actually before you go see Jeongguk, I need to talk to you.” She sounded grave and he nodded tiredly following her to the kitchen.

“Jeongguk’s been... not himself since Namjoon left last time. He hasn’t been eating or sleeping, he barely leaves his room. I’ve never seen him like this. I called Namjoon last week and apparently they talked about maybe finding Jeongguk another home. Apparently he’s got plans to go work overseas when his studies end. As much as I like Gukkie, I just don't have the time to give him the care and attention he needs.” She explained, at least having the grace to look shame-faced at the words.

Taehyung grit his teeth, holding his angry retorts behind them. “I see.” Was all he said.

“You have to understand-” She started and he couldn’t stomach the idea of her excuses.

“Oh I understand, all right. The adult son has moved out of the family home leaving his unwanted pet behind. Except that Jeongguk’s not some Labrador, he’s a person. And even a dog deserves better than this.” He grated. “So what do you want from me then? Hmm? Want me to train him for his new owner? Make sure you can get top dollar when you sell him?”

“No, no, we would never...” She shrank back, clearly hurt by his words, but he didn’t care.

“Then what? Want me to fix him? Because I can’t fix this. I can’t unbreak his heart. I can’t make his family love him.”

“I do love him.” She objected but he shook his head.

“Not enough. You don’t love him enough. He should be like your son...” But he let the words trail off, even being someone’s son didn’t guarantee their love, he knew that better than anyone else.

He couldn’t look at her anymore, he was so disgusted. So he turned on his heel and went straight to Jeongguk’s room. He found the rabbit hybrid on the bed outside the covers, despite the chill in the room, curled around the pillow that still wore Taehyung’s old shirt, although the scent would surely have fade by now. His hair was greasy and unkempt, his sleek ears listless. The room was messy and smelled stale and musky, but there was no evidence of a tantrum this time. This mess was due to a complete disinterest in one’s surroundings. This was what depression looked like.

“Oh, bun.” He sighed, forgetting how much Jeongguk had hurt him in an instant, his pained embarrassment smothered under his concern for the boy. At his words an ear twitched.

“Hyung?” Came the small, muffled voice.

“I’m here, Guk.” Taehyung assured him, crossing the room to perch on the bed.

“They don’t want me, hyung.” He whispered. “I heard Mama Kim talking on the phone. They’re gonna ‘rehome me’.” And then he was crying wretchedly into the t-shirt clad pillow while Taehyung rubbed his back soothingly and whispered calm reassurances that he wouldn’t let that happen.

He looked up to see Mrs Kim hovering in the doorway and his eyes narrowed. “I’ll take him.”

“Oh no, we couldn’t possibly-” She began but he cut her off again.

“You want him to go to a good home? You want him to be cared for and loved? Then give him to me.” He insisted.

When she didn’t respond he growled out, “I’ll pay if that’s the problem.”

“No, no! Nothing like that.” She denied, looking hurt again.

“Then what? You don’t want him but I do. I’ll give him the home he deserves.”

“I’ll just check with Namjoon...” She wavered.

“You do that.” He dismissed her and turned his attention back to the hybrid. “I need you to get up and pack a bag, bun. You’re coming home with me, ok?” He paused, suddenly uncertain again. “If that’s what you want, of course. I won’t make you if you don’t want to.”

“I’ll go.” The boy agreed, but his voice was flat and disinterested. “Not like anyone wants me here anyway.”

Taehyung took in the boy’s state when he got up and frowned, but didn’t say anything. First he would get Guk out of this toxic environment and then he would work on making him better.

He ended up packing the bag for the hybrid, just a few sets of clothes and shoes. He could come back for the rest, or replace it. It didn’t matter. It was just stuff. What mattered was Jeongguk.

“Did you want to say goodbye?” He asked gently. He was so livid he could have easily gone his whole life without seeing Mrs Kim or her self-absorbed son again, but they were the only family Jeongguk had known.

Jeongguk shook his head, hiding behind the older boy when they reached the entry way where Mrs Kim stood.

“Uh, Namjoon wasn’t answering...” She mumbled.

“How unlike him.” Taehyung answered sarcastically. “If he has a problem, he can come collect Jeongguk himself. In the meantime, Jeongguk’s coming home with me. I’ll send through the registration transfer papers.” He laced his fingers through Jeongguk’s and opened the door. “Come on, bun. Let’s go home.”

A/N Oh he mad mad. Stupid Kims being stupid! But like I said, if they were good, this would be a Namkook fic.

Anyways, things are about to change up. Prepare thyself.

Remember to vote, my darlings and remember I purple each and every one of you.

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