Twenty Six

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A/N Slight smut warning. Just cos this has been a pretty soft fic thus far and maybe you're not ready to read the word 'cock'?😲🤔👀

Taehyung smiled against Jeongguk’s lips, the boy’s small concession feeling like a triumph, sparking that familiar hope that just wouldn’t fade. Then he brushed his lips against the boy’s, light, teasing, until the mouth beneath his opened, Jeongguk’s tongue shyly touching his bottom lip in askance. Taehyung let his lips part in a sigh, encouraging the boy’s tentative exploration of his mouth as his eyes slipped closed.

He led Jeongguk gently through the kiss, allowing him to sate his curiosity for the elder’s lips languidly. And when he finally broke away, chest heaving, it was to trail small kisses down the hybrid’s throat, skirting the scent glands, to the delicate curve of his collarbone. He kept his hands light and easy on the boy’s slender waist, rubbing small circles with his fingers as his lips explored the expanse of his shoulders, the taste of his pale skin, uncaring of the water that beat down upon them. He took into account every quiver and gasp, every shudder and moan, the way Jeongguk’s hands threaded through his hair and began to guide his searching mouth to the places he longed to have touched.

He lapped and laved over a dark, flat nipple until it budded beneath his lips, sweet moans of pleasure slipping from Jeongguk in melodious delight. And when his mouth closed upon the sensitive flesh to suckle and nip, those moans grew deeper and more urgent.

The hand he’d rested on Jeongguk’s waist slipped down across the curve of his hip, sliding teasingly close to the proud jut of his cock, which lifted and bobbed excitedly. He found the soft flesh of the hybrid’s inner thighs, massaging firmly as his mouth slid down his stomach to nip and tease at the flexing abdomen.

He slid his hand back up, grazing over the pendulous weight of his balls and dancing up the twitching shaft to the slick bulbous head of his erection, loving the way Jeongguk grunted deep in the back of his throat and thrust his hips blindly forward. He kept his touch deliberately light, loosely encircling Jeongguk’s sizable girth, moving in tandem with the thrusting hips, denying true friction. His mouth he used, open and hot, aggressive on the hybrid’s shuddering abdomen, licking, sucking, biting, until Jeongguk mewled and whined.

He felt the boy’s hand atop his own, desperate to increase that sweet friction his hips chased, and slapped it away with a warning growl.

“Hyung!” He pleaded.

“No touching.” He admonished, looking up at the panting boy with a stern gaze. Guk nodded obediently, clasping his hands behind his back and Tae’s face softened into an indulgent smile.

“There’s my good baby bun.” He cooed. He watched with fascination as Jeongguk’s face flushed crimson and he bit the small pink of his bottom lip, squirming like a puppy learning to sit. Cute.

Taking pity on him, Taehyung wrapped his fist firmer around the boy’s girth and let him rut his hips, essentially fucking his fist.

"So pretty." He murmured as he drew his thumb up, smearing slick precum across the sensitized bell-end with every thrust.

His mouth lifted and he daintily touched his tongue to Jeongguk’s leaking slit, tasting him for the first time, salty and musky as his scent. He hummed in pleasure, lapping hungrily at it. Jeongguk grunted again in surprise, his hips quickening to a frenetic pace.

Taehyung kept a careful balance of firm, encircling fist and light, dancing tongue until Jeongguk’s hands were in his hair again, dragging him urgently down his length with a needy whine. He allowed it, curling his tongue around his girth with a low moan, his pumping hand still controlling the depth of Jeongguk’s thrusts.

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