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It’d only been four days since their last session and Jeongguk already missed Taehyung. He hadn't meant to. It just kind of happened. He was so used to the young man arriving at his doorstep, his face lit up in a bright smile and slinging his backpack down in the tiled entryway before following Jeongguk to the kitchen where his ‘positive reinforcement behavioural plan’ (let’s face it, it was a glorified star chart) was hung on the fridge.

He missed the way Taehyung’s eyes would practically glow with pride when he saw all the check marks beside the tasks he’d assigned the hybrid. That look in and of itself was almost incentive enough to complete all his chores, despite how stupid and demeaning he often found it. He even missed the slight crease the older boy would get between his brow when Jeongguk had an off day and disappointed him, even if he hated the stab of guilt that expression never failed to elicit.

And he definitely missed Taehyung’s strong fingers delving into his hair and over his sensitive ears, firm but careful, much like the man himself. He missed his warmth at his back and his breath on his neck, the way he tucked Jeongguk against his chest and rested his chin on his head. He missed the clean, musky scent of him and the way it mingled with Jeongguk’s own, lingering on his skin hours after he’d left. 

Loneliness swallowed the colour in his world, leaving it grey and listless. But he still went through his tasks, ticking them off one by one, because he knew that’s what Taehyung would want. He understood why Taehyung couldn't come. He was a bit self-involved sometimes, but he wasn’t that selfish. He trusted that Taehyung would be back as soon as he was able. He had earned that faith. With every appearance at his door, with every promise kept, with every time he’d remained steadfast in his corner, he’d proved himself.

So when Mama Kim called him from the kitchen, he apologised to his team mates, put down his controller, taken off his headset and gotten up to pop his head around the doorway.

“Yes, Mama Kim?”

“Oh there you are, Gukkie.” He felt himself relax a little. She only called him Gukkie when she was in a good mood. He wasn’t in trouble. Not that he thought he was, but with grown ups you just never knew. “Can you please help me with lunch? I knew you’ve helped with dinner twice this week already but Namjoon rang me last minute to say he’s coming over...” She kept rambling but Jeongguk stopped listening.

Joon hyung was coming home! He felt his ears and tail lift with excitement and he bounced a little on the spot. “Sure, Mama Kim! I’ll help. What do you want me to do?” He agreed readily. He didn’t mind cooking if it was for Joonie. He didn’t mind doing anything if it was for Joonie.

Namjoon arrive just after one pm. Jeongguk leapt up from the couch when he heard the knock on the door, almost tripping over his feet in his eagerness to get the door.

“Joonie hung!” He practically sang, launching himself at his owner.

“Whoa! Steady on, Gukkie.” Namjoon chuckled, patting his back.

Jeongguk pulled back, wrinkling his nose. His Joonie smelled weird. Wrong.

“Oh my god! He’s adorable!” A feminine voice practically squealed and Jeongguk jerked his head around in surprise.

His eyes narrowed when they fell upon a pretty young woman who looked about Namjoon’s age standing just behind him.

“Who are you?” Jeongguk asked rudely, his arms tightening around his Joonie again, even if he did smell weird.

“Jeongguk, let them in. You can interrogate them once they’re inside the house.” Mama Kim said dryly. “Hi, you must be Yeri. Namjoon’s told me so much about you.”

The Hybrid Whisperer KTH+JJKWhere stories live. Discover now