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"He can't just get away with it though! He destroyed his room!" Mrs Kim exploded.

This was why, after taking one look at her hard, unforgiving reaction to Jeongguk's quietly mumbled apology he'd asked Jeongguk to wait in his room until he'd sorted things out. The rabbit hybrid had taken one look at his Mama Kim's face and nodded, practically fleeing from the kitchen.

"He hasn't gotten away with anything, Mrs Kim. Do you know what triggered the episode?" He asked, even though he knew the answer, had actually been here for the onset of the problem. He also knew by leaving the obviously upset Jeongguk last night he was at least partially responsible for today's fallout.

When she shook her head he began to explain. "He called Namjoon last night after our outing. He asked to visit this weekend and Namjoon blew him off. So right now, Jeongguk's a very upset hybrid who acted out after perceived abandonment from his owner. I know Jeongguk likes to say he's not a pet, but this outburst only emphasises his hybrid nature, both human and animal. Digging is a perfectly natural stress response in rabbits and the more emotional Jeongguk becomes, the harder his instincts are to control."

"His hybrid nature compels him to form attachments to a single human. And he looks to that person, Namjoon, for comfort and guidance. When Namjoon brushed off his attempt to reconnect, he dealt with his emotions the only way he knew how. No offense, but you can't punish a pet for their completely understandable response to their owner's careless actions. You can only learn how to handle them in a way that minimises situations where it might trigger the behaviour again. So, I would ask that you calm down and find it in yourself to try and understand it from Jeongguk's point of view so you can forgive him and move on. Afterall, you two have to live together and resentment on either side is only going to cause more unwanted behaviour. Jeongguk needs to feel needed and loved, right now." He urged.

She seemed to process that for a bit before closing her eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding. "Ok. I can do that. But," She objected. "He has to cut his nails."

"Mrs Kim..."

"I understand what you're saying, Taehyung, I do. And you're right, I have been overlooking Jeongguk's baser nature. But you also just said that we have to take steps to minimise these types of situations. Surely you have to see how clipping his claws, a common practice with rabbits and hybrids alike, will be beneficial to everyone involved. And I want him to take on extra chores to pay for the damage he did. I don't think that's unreasonable." She had a point.

He nodded. "You're right. I'll fetch Jeongguk and let him know what's going on." Honestly, it was probably the best outcome he could hope for under the circumstances.

"No! I don't want to cut my nails. I hate it! It always feels weird after. Besides, last time she took too much and it hurt!" Jeongguk objected, stashing his hands under his thighs to protect them despite the fact that the action had to have cause him pain.

"What if I trimmed them instead?" Tae offered. "I've done it heaps of times. I promise I won't hurt you."

"Still feels weird. I don't like it." Guk whined.

"What if I make it worth it?"

Jeongguk eyed him suspiciously. "How?"

"I'm not sure. What do you want?" He asked with a curious tilt of his head.

"I want to visit Joon-hyung." Jeongguk answered immediately.

"I'm sorry, bun, I can't make promises on behalf of Joon-hyung." He watched the tiny spark of hope die in the hybrid's soft, cocoa eyes. "But I am very good at keeping promises I make for myself." He rushed to assure him. "Surely there's something you want that I can give you. Hmm?"

Jeongguk stayed silent, his bambi brown eyes blinking slowly as his bandaged hand snaked up from beneath to pluck at his downy cheek. Taehyung knew that look.

"It's ok, Guk. Just ask me."

"Smells like Joon." He mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"The room?" Taehyung asked in confusion. "I thought you wanted it to."

He shook his head miserably. "Makes me miss him more. Makes me feel sad and lonely."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Guk. You want me to move his clothes and stuff into storage for a while?" Taehyung offered.

The hybrid nodded. "But I don't like new stuff. Smells weird and chemically."

"You mean like bedding? That's fair enough I suppose. What do you want it to smell like? Maybe you could borrow a pillow from Mama Kim?"

Jeongguk shook his head.

"How about lavender or vanilla or something?"

Another shake of his head.

"Then what, Guk? Help me out here."

The hybrid whispered something but Tae didn't catch it. "I'm sorry, what? Could you speak up a little?"

"You." He whispered again.

"Me? What about me? I- Oh." Realisation finally dawned on him. "I suppose I could give you one of my pillows, bun, but you'd have to wait until tomorrow."

Jeongguk scooted closer to Taehyung shyly and nuzzled his way from his shoulder to his chest, his fingers plucking at the hem of his t-shirt. "You want my shirt?" Taehyung guessed.

The rabbit hybrid nodded against his chest. "So, if I put all of Joon's old things into storage and give you my shirt you'll let me cut your nails?" He bargained.

"And let me scent you again." Jeongguk added.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, bun." He hesitated, recalling what happened last time.

"Please?" The word gave Taehyung pause. He wasn't sure Jeongguk had ever used it with him before. He usually either demanded or reluctantly accepted.

"Ok." He said at last, going against his better judgement.

It didn't take long to remove all traces of Namjoon from the room. The older male had taken the majority of his things with him to Seoul. What was left barely filled two garbage bags. Taehyung tied them closed and sat them outside the bedroom door.

"Better?" He asked.

Jeongguk raised his face, scenting the air tentatively, then nodded.

"Should we go back out to the sofa so you can scent me?" He asked, hoping the presence of Mrs Kim might prevent any unwise sexual activity.

"No. On the bed." He insisted.

"I don't know that that's such a good idea." Taehyung said, eyeing the bed with apprehension.

"Please, hyung? The bed still kinda smells like Joonie-hyung. If I scent you there it will smell like you and me instead." The younger man reasoned.

"I suppose that makes sense." He conceded. "But I'm not doing anything until it's made. You can't sleep on that mess, Guk, and changing the sheets afterward would defeat the purpose of scenting me in the first place."

"Yeah ok. But you have to help me, my hands hurt." Jeongguk was back to demanding.

"Fine. Go grab some sheets."  

A/N So do you think Taehyung should have bargained with JK about the nail thing or just told him to do it?

Do you think he's rewarding bad behaviour or do you think JK needs someone in his corner?

Remember to vote!

Remember I purple you!

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