Twenty Five

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Jeongguk drifted toward consciousness with a lethargic sigh. He was warm, cocooned in a thick, heavy comforter and the heat that Taehyung radiated almost constantly. He felt the weight of the other man’s arm, slung around his waist carelessly, the gentle exhale of breath against his neck. Every now and then, soft lips would brush just below his hairline, feather light. He hummed at the pleasant tingling sensation that followed.

He turned his head to check on his bed mate and found him still sleeping, the minute tightness he always seemed to have around his eyes and the crease in his brow smoothed in slumber, lips slightly parted, sooty lashes resting against his cheeks. He looked peaceful. A small smile ghosted across Guk’s lips at the sight. He rested his head back on his pillow and closed his eyes, drifting back into that place between waking and sleep where everything was surreal and dream-like, content to remain where he was just a little bit longer.

Jeongguk’s slight shift must have summoned Taehyung closer to the waking world, the arm around his waist tightened, drawing the hybrid into his warm body, his bare chest pressing to Jeongguk’s back. The hand holding him began to move, fingers dragging softly against the sensitive skin of his abdomen and that pleasant tingling returned. The lips brushed his shoulder and Taehyung’s deep voice murmured incoherently before the stroking hand stilled and his breathing once again evened out.

Arousal, slow and languid, flowed through Jeongguk like warmed honey. He hummed again when Taehyung’s legs shifted restlessly, parting his thighs to allow Tae’s to slip between them. He placed his hand atop the one Tae still had rested on his belly, pressing it firmer to his body in wordless encouragement.

A deep, morning rumble built in Taehyung’s chest, finally escaping his throat as he pressed another, firmer, kiss to the juncture of Guk’s neck and shoulder. The hybrid sighed, angling his head to expose more of his responsive flesh. His thighs tightened around Taehyung’s, hips rolling of their own accord.

They lay entwined in the twilight of waking, where not-quite-lovers meet and dance on the edge of sensation. Taehyung’s slow touches and soft kisses melting into Jeongguk’s receptive body.

Taehyung’s alarm, sharp and discordant shattered the moment. Both boys groaned, parting in reluctant confusion as reason overwhelmed longing.

“Morning, bun.” Taehyung husked and Jeongguk couldn’t suppress the shiver the combination of baritone voice and pet name provoked.

“Morning.” He whispered, caught awkwardly between confusion, embarrassment and desire.

He was grateful then, when Taehyung rolled to his feet almost immediately and padded to the adjoining bathroom without further comment on their drowsy transgression, lazily scratching his chest with one hand and raking his spikey bed hair back with the other. Once he was out of sight, Jeongguk let out a shaky breath.

For the first time in weeks, his body was more than just a numb shell. His nerve endings were pinging and sparking with the phantom memory of touch, in a way it hadn’t since the time when an adorably intoxicated Taehyung had professed him cute and kissed him with a passion that had left his knees weak and his dick hard.

“Come on, Guk. Time to get up.” Taehyung called from the ensuite doorway, mistaking his introspection for reluctance.

“ ‘kay.” He whispered back, pulling back the covers and shivering at the sudden chill of the air kissing his heated skin.

He shyly made his way to the bathroom, hands hanging awkwardly in front of his body in an attempt to cover the physical evidence of his arousal. He noted Taehyung’s slight frown, but let his eyes slip away from the silent question.

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