Twenty Seven

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Taehyung pulled open the left side of the glass double door, gesturing for Jeongguk to step through. This was the fourth hybrid care centre they had been to this week and Taehyung was starting to fear that none of them would live up to the pair's high standards.

The first one had a weird smell, apparently, and Jeongguk had vetoed it as soon as they had stepped foot inside. When pressed, the hybrid hadn't been able to explain it any further than it smelled sad and angry. Taehyung had accepted the call without judgement, Jeongguk had enough sad and angry to deal with, he didn't need it from a place he was supposed to be going for fun. The second Jeongguk had loved, but Taehyung had noticed the ease with which they'd entered, unnoticed by staff until he'd very loudly cleared his throat directly behind the young man teaching a music lesson. After ten minutes at the facility, he'd realised their entry was the norm, not an anomaly and vetoed it for security reasons. The third they had both hated for different reasons. Jeongguk said there were too many predator type hybrids. He'd been insistent that it was the smell of them that bothered him. He was not afraid. Taehyung had let him keep his allusions for the sake of his pride because one of the teachers had given him a distinctly different, but equally concerning predatory vibe. 

They were stopped at a second, inner set of doors by a smiling young woman in a purple polo shirt with the centre's logo embroidered on it.

"H, welcome to Triple H, I'm Soojin. Can I help you?" She asked politely. The H's stood for Happy, Healthy Hybrids. A little simplistic perhaps, but Taehyung hoped they lived up to the name.

Taehyung also noticed the keypad located to the left of the door, indicating the need for a code to gain further access to the facility.

"Hello." He smiled at her. "Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk." He introduced them. "We rang earlier about a tour? I can't remember who I spoke to, sorry."

"Oh yes. That was me, actually. Good to meet you." She gave him a brief nod, but her attention focussed on the boy beside him with interest. "Jeongguk. Rabbit, right?" She asked and he gave a short nod.

"Great! Well follow me and I'll show you around." She smiled warmly at them both, punching in the code to the doors, although she made sure to block their view with her body before she did so. Taehyung's approval rose at the gesture.

Once it was open, Jeongguk paused, visibly scenting the air. He crinkled his nose a little, but didn't rub it like he had at the other two places he'd detested.

"Is it ok?" Taehyung leant into the hybrid to speak directly into one of the alert ears atop his head. The ear gave a twitchy flick.

"It's weird." He muttered back.

"Good weird or bad weird?"

Jeongguk shrugged. "Dunno, just weird."

Not a glowing recommendation by any stretch, but not overtly bad. They could work with weird. You could get used to weird.

Oblivious to their exchange, Soojin indicated a closed door. "Through there are classes for our younger hybrids. I've been told the area can get a little on the nose. The younger students have difficulty following the rules sometimes, so there's a few territory disputes from time to time, complete with scent marking." She gave Jeongguk an apologetic smile. That explained the weird smell. "It's not so bad when we get in further." She assured them.

"So, Jeongguk, Taehyung said you already know how to read?" She asked, once they were clear of the short hallway that made Guk wrinkle his nose.

"Uh, yeah." He answered. And although he didn't give much indication of it, Tae knew the fiercely independent hybrid appreciated being spoken to directly.

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