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Taehyung woke up the next morning mildly hungover, but he couldn’t have cared less because snuggled against his chest, purring softly was his baby bun. Smiling warmly he pressed his lips to the top of his dark head and tightened his arms around the boy.

He hadn’t really intended to kiss Jeongguk last night, but he didn’t regret it either. He’d been drunk, but not so far gone he hadn’t known what he was doing. He wanted the bunny hybrid and not just in a physical sense.

Jaehyun’s confession the day before had deeply wounded Taehyung, but it had also been liberating. The shame and guilt he had felt for so long over his ex-bestfriend was slowly being lifted. He wasn’t sure what, if any, reconciliation could be accomplished with his family, but is father’s will message had left him feeling cautiously optimistic in that regard.

But the biggest gift Jaehyun’s revelation of the truth of that fateful night had been the small spark of hope that maybe there could be something more between him and Jeongguk. That maybe, just maybe they could have some kind of future together.

He knew that Jeongguk still belonged to Namjoon, that the boy still had a deep connection to the other man. But he could see how that was going to end, how it was already ending, if only Jeongguk was honest. And if he was patient and persistent he was hopeful Jeongguk would come to feel something for him too, see him as more than just a stand in. That he would be an choice, rather than a last resort. After all, Jeongguk had kissed him back last night with a desperation that had tempted Taehyung to take things further than either of them was ready for.

That was the difference between yesterday and today. Today, he had hope. The thought had a goofy grin forming on his lips as he nuzzled his face into Jeongguk’s neck, planting adoring kisses along the warm skin.

The boy in his arms stirred, groaning softly.

“Morning, bun.” Tae murmured, his voice still low and husky with sleep.

“Morning, hyung.” Guk mumbled back, still not quite awake, before nestling further back in his embrace.

His heart gave an almost painful lurch. Hope.

They lazed in bed for a little while longer, sharing their warmth, their chests rising and falling in sync, before Taehyung nudged the dozing rabbit boy gently.

“Come on, Guk. Time to get up. We should probably call Mrs Kim. I bet you didn’t tell her where you were going, hmm?” Jeongguk merely groaned, burrowing into the covers like the bunny he was. Taehyung sat up with a fond chuckle, deciding to have mercy on the boy and let him sleep a few more minutes. In the meantime he went to fish his phone out of his bag.

It was dead. Well that explained why he hadn’t gotten any frantic phone calls this morning. He popped it on charge and padded to the kitchen to make coffee. When he returned to the side of the bed, coffee in hand the phone held enough charge to switch it on, which he did. Twenty one missed calls. He raised his eyebrows in astonishment. Four from his sister, six from Namjoon and the rest from a probably frantic Mrs Kim. He decided to call the latter back first.

“Taehyung! Finally!”

“Good morning, Mrs Kim. I presume you’re ringing about Jeongguk? Let me assure you he’s here with me, safe and sound. I apologise for not phoning last night. I was a little, er, distracted. It completely slipped my mind. Sorry.” He didn’t really want to regale his client with his drunken adventures.

“Oh thank god! I swear that boy is aging me beyond my years. And of course Namjoon will be relieved.” She added as an after thought.

“Oh, he’s there?” He asked mildly. “Did something happen between them?” That would explain the unexpected appearance of Jeongguk on his doorstep. 

“Namjoon brought his girlfriend home. Lovely girl, but you know Jeongguk. He gets so jealous. I’m not sure of the details but apparently they had a bit of an altercation and then he stormed off.” She explained.

“Yeah, that’d do it.” Taehyung agreed with a fond chuckle. “Well I’ll have him back ASAP. Maybe we can all talk it out, see if we can settle things down a bit.”

“Yeah, that might be a good idea. In the meantime, tell him he’s grounded for life.” She muttered.

“Will do. We’ll see you soon, Mrs Kim.” He promised, hanging up.

He took another sip of his coffee, relieved to see Eonjin had also messaged him, making a call back less urgent. She apologised for their mother’s behaviour and asked him to message back as soon as he could to let her know he was alright. He typed out a reply and sent it as he finished his coffee.

“What time is it?” Jeongguk asked groggily.

“Just after eight.” Taehyung replied. “Good morning, bun.”

Jeongguk hummed in response, sitting up and putting his bare feet on the cold floor with a visible shiver.

“Bus to your place leaves in thirty-” He checked the time on his phone. “Two minutes. Shower’s out of the question I’m afraid. So up and dressed and I’ll take you home.”

Jeongguk groaned again. “They're just gonna yell at me. Can’t I just stay here?”

“I would love you to stay with me, Guk. But I think you need to have a talk with Namjoon. Sounds like you guys didn’t part on the best of terms yesterday.”

Jeongguk’s eyes narrowed and he grit his teeth. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“Well sitting here scowling at me isn’t going to solve anything.” He leant down and gave his sleepy hybrid a quick peck on the lips, making him blink owlishly up at the elder. “Up, up, up!” He clapped, waking him sharply out of his daze.

A/N Aw, Taehyungie is so sweet!

How do you think Jeongguk is feeling about the whole thing? Seemed kinda cuddley huh?

Just a heads up, I might not update as much in the next few days. 😭 My real life is trying to emerge again and I have to deal with all those pesky adult responsibilities! But I will try to do at least one a day. Cos I'm as addicted as you are.

Remember to vote, my lovelies. I'm not opposed to sharing or recommending my works too, if you're so inclined. 👀👀

Never forget that I purple you! 💜💜💜💜💜 I really do appreciate your interest. I read every comment, even if I don't respond and I notice every vote and follow.

So anyways, enough shameless self-promotion. Stay tuned, things are just getting started.

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