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Taehyung was surprised when the Kim’s door was opened by a tall, skinny, blond man in cargo shorts and a grey tee. More surprising was the fact that Jeongguk was hugging the man’s free arm to his chest like a life preserver and narrowing his eyes in hostility at Taehyung.

Althought Taehyung couldn't really blame him after the way they'd left things last time.

“Hi.” He gave the stranger a polite smile. “You must be Namjoon ssi.” He extended his hand in greeting.

Namjoon took his hand from the door and grasped Tae’s firmly. “Taehyung, right?” Tae nodded.  

“Come in. Mum’s in the kitchen.” He stood back to allow him entrance.

“Hello, Jeongguk.” He greeted the hybrid with his usual affectionate smile, hoping to undo some of the damage he'd done.

Jeongguk remained mutinously silent, merely tightening his grip on Namjoon’s arm so much the older man winced. “Aren’t you going to say hello, Gukkie?” He prompted but Jeongguk buried his face in Namjoon’s abdomen and shook his head.

“I’m sorry about this.” Namjoon apologised. “He gets a bit clingy when we’re around strangers.”

Taehyung was about to point out that he wasn’t a stranger, before realising in this instance, that was exactly what he was, the unknown element in a well established and comforting dynamic. This was Jeongguk’s family made whole and he was an intruder. “No, no it’s fine. Maybe I should come back another time?”

“Nonsense. I’ve heard a great deal about you.” He replied, ushering him inside.

“Really? I didn’t think Guk talked about me.” He couldn’t help but feel just a twinge of happiness at the idea.

“Oh.” Namjoon gave a chuckle of discomfort. “No, not really. But mum won’t shut up about how great you are with him. Calls you a miracle worker.”

“Oh.” He said, faintly embarrassed over the misunderstanding. “Well that’s very generous of her, but really it’s a group effort.” He brushed off the compliment modestly.

They ended up in the living room, Namjoon on the couch and Jeongguk practically in his lap; Taehyung and Mrs Kim on the two armchairs flanking it. All attention was focussed on Namjoon as he regaled them with an anecdote from his campus life.

Taehyung listened with half an ear, lips quirking occasionally at the charismatic man’s numerous witticisms as he observed Jeongguk over the rim of his coffee mug.

This was a different boy, affectionate, attentive, happy. After a particularly dry observation on Namjoon’s behalf Jeongguk had actually giggled. Giggled! This was who he was supposed to be, who he had been before his beloved companion had been suddenly ripped from his life.

Taehyung couldn’t help but feel a little pang of jealousy at the way the bunny grinned adoringly up at Namjoon when Tae himself had to work so hard for even the smallest quirk of his lips. He hated the burn of resentment he felt at the obvious love the boy lavished on his careless owner while Taehyung had to search every micro expression for even a hint of his affection. But he was being foolish and selfish.

Jeongguk wasn’t his and he wasn’t Jeongguk’s, no matter what had transpired a few days ago in a moment of desperation. He wasn’t the one who lit the boy up from the inside just by being in the same room. He was a placeholder, a stand-in, a cheap knock off. This was the real thing. Jeongguk didn’t need Taehyung to fix his behaviour, he just needed Namjoon back in his life.

The same could not be said of Namjoon. Taehyung noticed the way he kept glancing at his phone as though he was expecting a call or a text. He saw the way he would smile in an indulgent but disinterested way when Jeongguk talked animatedly to him about the game he was playing. It was clear that while Namjoon held Jeongguk in obvious affection, he was not nearly as invested in the boy as the hybrid was in him. He could see the imminent breaking of Jeongguk’s heart in every fond but dismissive glance, as inescapable as the setting of the sun.

His lips thinned, and he set his cup on the table before him. “I think I should get going. Unless you still want me to do you hair, bun?” He offered hoping to get the boy alone long enough to properly apologise for his behaviour.

“Joonie hyung can do it.” Jeongguk insisted, the first real thing he’d said to Taehyung the entire visit.

“Hmm?” Namjoon glanced up from his phone.

“I wash his hair as a reward at the end of our sessions if he’s done well.” Taehyung explained, noticing the way Jeongguk’s face flushed and his eyes darted guiltily to Namjoon’s face.

“Oh, right.” He sounded distracted.

“So are you happy to do it this time?” He enquired, fairly certain Namjoon had not heard Guk volunteering him for the job. “It’s important that it happens. It’s part of his positive reinforcement behavioural plan.” He explained.

“Hyung!” Jeongguk hissed. “Stop it. You make me sound like a toddler or something.”

Taehyung shrugged, uncaring how it sounded as long as it got done. Jeongguk might be over the moon that Namjoon was back, but Taehyung was realistic enough to understand that this was temporary; this high he was on was going to end in a devastating crash. The more that remained constant during that time, the better.

"It's not my intention to embarrass you, bun, but you need to stick to your routine. It's important for your long term well being. Namjoon hyung needs to understand that." He said in the cool, professional tone that he reserved for troublesome clients. "So I need his assurance that he'll wash your hair in my stead before I take my leave." He turned an expected expression to Namjoon.

“Yeah sure.” Namjoon agreed, confused by Taehyung’s displeasure.

Tae nodded tightly. “Well, it was nice to meet you finally, Namjoon ssi." He shook his hand again.

"And I’ll see you on Tuesday Guk.” He smiled hopefully reaching out to smooth his hand down his hair in farewell as he usually did. But Jeongguk shrank back and he let his hand drop limply to his side, ignoring the twinge of pain the rejection caused.

Sighing he turned to his employer. “Mrs Kim, could I have a word with you before I go?”

“Of course, Taehyung.” She smiled, patting Namjoon’s hand fondly before getting up and following him out of the room.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Taehyung spun around to face her. “Look Mrs Kim, I know everyone is very happy Namjoon is home. He seems like a very nice young man. I can see why he was missed. But I need to warn you, his leaving again is going to result in some undesirable behaviours from Jeongguk. For a little while it’s going to be like going right back to square one. He’s going to be rebellious, rude and stubborn. It’s going to be very important that you remain calm but firm and he stays in his routine.”

Mrs Kim’s smile fell at the harsh injection of reality Taehyung just hit her with and he felt a stab of guilt for ruining one of her son’s infrequent visits. But forewarned was forearmed. 

“So I need you to make sure Namjoon washes Jeongguk’s hair tonight. Make sure Jeongguk stacks the dishwasher, helps you with dinner, has a shower, does all that stuff on his chart and is in bed by ten pm. The more his day to day life is disrupted, even in a positive way, the more unsettled he’ll be later.” He advised her as best he could And if you have any issues like Friday, don’t hesitate to call me.” He gave her a short bow. “I’ll get out of your hair. Enjoy your visit.”

A/N Last one for the day. Enjoy.

A lil Namkook for ya. Our bun is smitten.

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