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Taehyung leant casually against the kitchen counter, comfortable enough in the Kim household by now to relax as he sipped from the cup Mrs Kim had offered him when he and Yeri had walked in.

“So Yeri, how did you and Namjoon meet?” He asked curiously. He didn’t know Namjoon well, but it was the kind of question you asked new couples.

“Oh we’ve known each other for ages.” She admitted. “We went to the same high school. Although we didn’t really speak much back then. Different circles, you know? Then we bumped into each other in a class we both needed for our course. You know how smart he is.” Taehyung didn’t know, but he smiled agreeably anyway. “I kept bugging him to explain everything to me until he finally just offered to tutor me after class. And things just kind of ...happened. Been together for about three months now.”

“And I’ve never seen him happier.” Mrs Kim gushed.

Taehyung was thankful Jeongguk wasn’t around to hear that observation. The hybrid would learn soon enough that you couldn’t make people feel the way you wanted them too, no matter how hard you loved them. Still, Taehyung wished he could spare the boy that painful lesson. The best he could do was be there when it happened and guide him threw the worst of it with compassion and understanding.

The two women continued to talk, but he wasn’t really listening. Truth be told he was daydreaming a little. His hand lifted to his lips of it’s own volition, the memory of their kiss still imprinted into the soft flesh. His lips curved into a small, secret smile. He knew he would have to be careful and patient in the days and weeks to come. Jeongguk would be hurt and confused and Taehyung didn’t want to take advantage. He would give the hybrid time to sort through his feelings and when he was ready, Taehyung would be there. If things went well, he could speak to Jeongguk and Mrs Kim about the possibility of Taehyung becoming Jeongguk’s full time carer. For the first time in a long time, Taehyung could see his future laid about before him and it wasn’t grey, bleak and loveless.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of raised voices from the lounge room. Three heads turned to the sound but Taehyung put his cup down, holding his hands up to both ladies. “Jeongguk gets loud when he’s upset. I’ll go see if I can play mediator. You two stay here and chat.” He offered.

“-kissed me, I didn’t kiss him. It didn’t mean anything! I don’t want him, Joon-hyung, I want you. Please.” Taehyung’s steps faltered at the words and he lurked just before the entrance of the room, uncertain.

“Kit, I have a girlfriend.” Namjoon’s voice was calm, if a little patronising.

“So? That never mattered before. Mmm, Joonie, I’ve missed you. Haven’t you missed me?” Taehyung blinked. He’d never heard Jeongguk sound so ...seductive.

Taehyung took a step into the room, knowing what he would see, knowing it would hurt, but needing to see it anyway. Jeongguk was pressed against Namjoon, his hand sliding up his thigh, his lips pressed firmly to Namjoon’s. For a fleeting moment Namjoon’s lips moved in sync with the hybrid’s before he seemed to come to his senses, pushing Jeongguk from him.

“No, Jeongguk. This isn’t going to happen. I’m with Yeri. I love her and even if I didn’t... What we had? It was just a messing around between two curious boys, nothing more. Do you understand?” His voice was apologetic but unyielding.

Taehyung cleared his throat, trying not to let the pain of Jeongguk’s words, his actions show in his expression. He let an easy smile paint his lips. “I came to see if everything was ok in here, but things seem...” He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Well, since I’m not needed here, I’ll get going. I have a lot to do. Please, say goodbye to Mrs Kim for me.”

He didn’t say goodbye to Guk, couldn’t even look at him. He’d been so stupid, letting himself hope like that. Of course it meant nothing to the boy. How could he not have seen Guk’s love for Namjoon had been more than brotherly? All the signs had been there. After Jaehyun had confessed he’d thought he’d actually be able to trust his instincts when it came to the hybrid’s affections. How wrong he’d been.

A part of him hoped Jeongguk would jump up, run after him, grab his hand to stop him just as he got to the door. Wished the boy would take his face between his palms and stare deeply into his eyes, tell him he’d been wrong, that it was Taehyung, it had always been Taehyung. But this was not some cheesy chick flick, this was real life. He made it out the door and down the street without anyone so much as calling his name.

A/N Well not sure if Wattpad is behaving itself yet. Here's hoping.

Anyways, I am now sick on top of having all that adult junk I have to do. I am a sad panda.

I still have a few chapters in reserve though, so not to fret.

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