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Jeongguk sat next to Taehyung on the bus, wedged between the older boy and the window out which he gazed. He was trying very hard not to think about how close Taehyung was sitting although in truth he just wanted to lean into the warmth the young man was radiating.

He nibbled his lips, his ears laid flat against his scalp nervously while he absently plucked at the fine hairs at his cheek. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel about what had happened last night. He’d enjoyed the kiss, more than he liked to admit, but Taehyung had been drunk. Not to mention the fact that he’d made it more than clear, on numerous occasions, that their relationship was not sexual. So why did he kiss him? If it was a mistake, which he was almost certain it was, why did he kiss him again this morning? True, it’d just been a quick peck, but it had been on the lips. Taehyung kissed his ears sometimes or his hair, he didn’t kiss his lips.

And if his feelings for Taehyung were confused then his feelings for Namjoon were chaotic. They swirled together in a jumbled mess, ever shifting and distressingly overwhelming. He loved Joonie hyung, loved him more than anything in the whole wide world. Namjoon was his world, his universe. He was angry at his hyung, angry that he left him, angry that he ignored him, angry that he was replacing him, but his fury was fuelled by the very real fear that maybe Namjoon didn’t love him anymore, didn’t want him anymore.

Jeongguk was immature sometimes but he wasn’t an idiot, he could see Namjoon was drifting away from him, was halfway gone already. The very thought made his heart slam into his chest in panic. He couldn’t lose Namjoon. He couldn’t. Taehyung was nice and all, but he couldn’t replace his Joon hyung.

“This is our stop, bun.” Taehyung placed a large hand on his bicep to get his attention. Jeongguk nodded, silently traipsing behind the other man back to his home. 

The door burst open after the second knock, a very harried Mama Kim standing at the door. “Jeongguk! Get in here this instant! Don’t you ever do something so foolish again, you hear?” She scolded and he looked at his shoes, nodding. Then she completely surprised him by pulling him into his arms and squeezing him too tightly, whispering. “I was worried sick, you idiot.”

“Sorry, Mama Kim.” He mumbled uncomfortably.

“Well at least you were smart enough to stay with Taehyung. Lord only knows what might have happened if you’d gone wondering around Busan. You know what people do to hybrids, Gukkie! Anything could have happened to you.” Then she was hugging him again. “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

Jeongguk nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He hadn’t thought she might be worried about him. She was always so mad at him. He hadn’t thought she might actually care what happened to him.

“Jeongguk!” Namjoon came from the hallway, Yeri a short distance behind him, a small relieved smile on her face.

“I told you he’d be ok, Joonie.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “You can relax now, he’s home.”

“How could you be so stupid?” Namjoon ignored Yeri to stalk forward, gripping Jeongguk’s shoulders and giving him a frustrated shake. “Do you know what could have happened? Do you?” He demanded.

Jeongguk ripped himself away, his expression rebellious. “Like you care!” He sneered.

He hadn’t seen the way Taehyung reached out worriedly for him when Namjoon had put his hands on him, but he did hear the man’s voice from behind him, calm and soothing as always. “Everyone’s emotions are running a bit high at the moment. I’m sure Guk knows he made a mistake. The important thing is he’s home and he’s safe.” He felt Taehyung’s warm hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. “Let’s get inside and we can talk about it.”

Namjoon seemed to swallow his anger, nodding. Yeri appeared by his side, grabbing his hand and patting it soothingly. The calming gesture seemed to work, because Jeongguk saw the tension ease out of his shoulders.

They were sitting in the lounge room. Namjoon and Yeri settled on the two seater sofa, Taehyung sat on the armchair he seemed to favour and he knew Mama Kim would take it’s twin when she got back from making drinks for their guests. Jeongguk hovered uncertainly. He felt Taehyung’s hands grip his hips, pulling him down onto his lap where he looped his arms loosely around him and settled his chin on his shoulder, looking over it at Namjoon and his new girlfriend.

Jeongguk shot a flustered, guilty look at Namjoon but he didn’t seem to care, looking down at his and Yeri’s clasped hands with a grateful smile. He looked down at his lap in confusion. Jeongguk was his. Why didn’t he care that someone else was being so familiar with him? Why wasn’t he as jealous as Jeongguk got every time he so much as glanced at the couple on the sofa?

He felt Taehyung’s hand squeeze his in reassurance and he relaxed a little. Instead of letting go after the supportive gesture the way he usually did, Taehyung played with his mutated fingers. He linked and unlinked them with his own, stroked along the knuckles softly, even pressed on the pad of his finger and pushed out his claw, trailing a finger down it’s smooth length before letting it retract. Jeongguk let him. It felt good, relaxing.

“So,” Taehyung began. “I’m not really sure what happened yesterday. But whatever it was really upset Jeongguk. And we all know he can get a little irrational when he’s upset. But that doesn’t excuse his behaviour. What you did was dangerous and foolish, you know that, don’t you, bun?” He drew back to address him directly, that little disappointed crease forming in his brow but their hands stayed entwined.

Jeongguk nodded meekly.

“I don’t usually approve of negative reinforcement, but I also don’t want you doing something that will put you in danger. You could have been hurt, you could have been taken and sold or raped or all three. You know the dangers for an unaccompanied hybrid on the streets of Busan or any city really. So I want you to have a think about it and decide what you think you should be done to remind you that you can’t leave your owner’s home without permission. Ok?” Taehyung was using his firm, authoritative tone that made Jeongguk feel both small and safe.

“Ok.” He mumbled, looking down at their hands with something akin to shame. He didn’t even argue about the owner thing.

“Good boy.” He murmured, his breath hitting Jeongguk’s neck and making him shiver a little. Another sliver of guilt wormed through him and he darted another nervous glance at Namjoon. This time his hyung was frowning, finally seeming to notice him. Jeongguk squirmed in discomfort, pulling his hands away from Taehyung’s to hide in the sleeves of his jacket.

“Now,” Taehyung’s hands found his waist and gently set him standing. “I think you and Namjoon need to have a talk about what happened yesterday. And maybe about what direction your relationship will be taking.” He didn’t see the stern, meaningful look the older boy threw Namjoon when he said those words, but he did see the frown on his hyung’s face deepen.

“Yeri? Was it? Kim Taehyung. It’s lovely to meet you.” Taehyung directed his attention to the pretty girl on the sofa. “Let’s go join Mrs Kim in the kitchen. Give these two an opportunity to talk things out.” Yeri nodded agreeably.

Before Taehyung followed her out of the room, he gave Jeongguk’s ears a soothing pat and let his hand drop to his shoulder, squeezing in support. “You can do this, Guk. Just be honest about your feelings. And try not to shout, hmm?” He gave Namjoon a short nod and left.

“Uh...” Namjoon cleared his throat as Jeongguk took Yeri’s place next to him on the sofa.

A/N I haven't abandoned you just yet, lovelies. I might even manage another update tonight (Australia time).

So.. It's the dreaded relationship talk. Eep!

Anyways, remember to vote. Feel free to leave a comment, I love hearing your opinions and predictions.

And know that I purple you.

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