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"I love you, baby. God, I love you so much." The male who had just taken his virginity whispered as the post coital glow seeped into his limbs.

Jeongguk tried to lift his head to look at the man, but he was surprisingly heavy, laying limp on his chest like that so all he managed was a futile tensing of his arms and abdomen before he gave up and sank back down. Before he could wrap his arms around the older boy and properly nuzzle in contentment, Taehyung was abruptly sitting up, making him grunt at the sudden shift of weight.

"Sorry, I must be heavy." He sounded strange, his voice hitting a higher register.

Jeongguk frowned at him in confusion. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he had the chance Tae was scrambling off the bed. "I'm a mess. I think I might go have another shower. Feel free to go back to your game if you want." He was speaking too quickly, almost babbling. "Oh, you should probably take that off first." He pointed to the hybrid's dick and it took a minute for Jeongguk to realise he meant the condom.

"Uh, sure." He agreed, sitting up and peeling the latex from him gingerly, careful not to spill its contents.

Taehyung snatched it up, absently tying a knot at the top to seal it. "I'll get rid of it for you. Since, you know, bathroom. I-" He cleared his throat and Guk realised he wouldn't meet his eyes, hadn't looked at him in fact since he'd cum.

"Hyung?" He asked hesitantly.

"It's fine, bun. Just go back to your game. I'm gonna ...shower." He finished lamely, limping with obvious discomfort to the bathroom.

Still wearing the same baffled expression, Jeongguk swung his legs over the side of the bed. He was about to follow Taehyung when he spied the empty foil wrapper. Clean as you go. He thought, picking it up. He grabbed the towel Tae had thoughtfully placed over the bed too, even though he didn't think it had gotten dirty. His caretaker would still want it washed. He was a bit of a neat freak.

He heard the shower turn on and smiled. That sounded like heaven right about now. The lube had been sexy when it was gliding over his hard on, but now that it was matted in his pubes, not so much. He entered the bathroom, tossing the towel in the hamper and the empty condom wrapper in the bin before walking toward the shower.

It was then that he noticed Taehyung's shaking shoulders, his spine curved as he hunched over, head in hands.

"Hyung?" He called softly.

"O-oh. Guk. What're you doing here?" The young man in the shower straightened at the sound of his voice, as though startled to find him there. But they always showered together. Where else would he have gone? Naked back to his Playstation?

"Having a shower." He said slowly. "Hyung, is something wrong? You're being weird." He said bluntly.

He heard a light sniff and he saw Tae wipe surreptitiously at his eyes. "No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He dismissed.

"Tae, are you crying?" He asked in alarm. He'd never seen Taehyung cry.

"Honorifics, Guk!" He chided instead of answering.

"Hyung," He emphasised the word. "What's wrong?"

"It's fine." He gave a short derisive laugh and another muted sniffle. "I'm just being stupid. Go play, Guk. I'll be out soon."

Ignoring the command, the hybrid stepped into the cubicle, placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and tugging tentatively in silent request for the older boy to face him. He felt the reluctance in the way Taehyung's body stiffened, but eventually he turned, fingers wiping at his eyes again.

"What is it?" Jeongguk asked in mounting concern. "Are you hurt? Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to. Why didn't you say something?"

"No, no, it's not that." Taehyung rushed to assure him, the hand that rose to pet his flattened ears trembled. "It's fine. I'm just being overly sensitive."

He took a deep breath, and exhaled shakily. "I shouldn't have said that. It was too soon. I mean it's only been a little while since you were with him. It doesn't matter. You're my b-bun. That's enough" His lower lip trembled as he visibly fought back tears and Jeongguk quietly panicked.

He didn't know how to deal with a distraught Taehyung. The young man was always so calm and composed. He touched his cheek tentatively and instead of comforting his hyung like he wanted, the older man burst into tears.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. Please don't cry." He dropped his hand to his shoulder, patting awkwardly. "Hyung?"

Taehyung took a deep breath and held it, trying to firm the quiver of his bottom lip. "I'm sorry, Guk. This isn't fair of me. My feelings are my problem, right? I'm not trying to upset you. I'll be alright. Just give me a minute."

"But why are you upset? I don't understand. Because you said you loved me? I know you love me, hyung. Why else would you take such good care of me?" He paused to consider it. "Or do you mean like, love love me? Like boyfriend love me?" He asked hesitantly. Taehyung nodded miserably.

"Oh." He wrapped his arms around the taller boy and nestled into his chest, loving the way Taehyung's arms automatically enfolded him in his embrace, even if he was hurting. "I love you too." He whispered.

"R-really?" Came the mumbled response.

"Yeah, I, umm, I've been thinking about it a lot lately. You're not just my friend like Joonie hyung was." He felt Tae tense, the way he always did when Guk mentioned his former owner's name. "You're my owner. Like, my proper owner." It was hard to say it, and he knew he wouldn't say it often, but his Taehyungie deserved to know how he felt. "So, I love you, Taehyung."

He heard another loud sob and Tae's arms tightened around him. "I love you, too, Guk. So, so much." He felt the gentle press of his lips against his ears and purred with contentment. A choked cross between a laugh and a sob sounded above him, "My sweet, baby bun."

A/N There, all better. I think bluebirds just flew in their window and a rainbow appeared.

Also, sneaky virginity reveal. Although I think I basically said it before. Tis now confirmed. Man, I wish losing my virginity was that hot. Although my inner goth will always rejoice that I used a black condom. Is that TMI? I dunno, I have no filter. It's part of my charm.

On a separate note, how do they still look so pretty even when they cry? Cos I look like something out of a horror movie when I cry. Anyone mastered the art of pretty crying? Or is it a closely guarded secret of the rich and famous?

Two chapters to go, darlings!

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