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Taehyung was drunk. Not fall down drunk, but well past tipsy. Just the right amount of drunk. The exciting amount of drunk were you felt fearless, invincible. The kind of drunk where you could dance better and sing louder and everything was fun. In short, he was vodka drunk.

Usually he got wine drunk, because wine was cheap and he was broke. But wine drunk was sad drunk. He’d bet cash money Van Gough had been wine drunk when he’d cut off his ear. He was so sick of being sad. He wanted to be happy! He wanted to have fun! He wanted to dance! He’d wanted to go to a club! But it was six pm and no respectable club was open. So he dipped into his rent money, bought a ton of vodka mixers and now he was listening to his favourite kpop songs on the tinny speaker of his laptop and dancing in nothing but his button up shirt and boxers.

He heard a knocking sound, but ignored it. Probably just part of the song. No one came to visit him. He wasn’t even sure anyone even knew where he lived. It's not like he had friends or family. But that was a sad thought and Taehyung had banned sad thoughts from his vodka party.

“ ’Ray!” He cheered as one of his favourite songs came on, toasting the idols with his candy coloured bottle. He danced to his kitchen to check the cupboards. Ugh, why hadn’t he brought chips? He wanted chips.

There was that knocking again. He cocked his head. He thought he could hear someone calling through the door but he couldn’t make out the words. He swore if his neighbours were going to complain about his music when they blasted theirs all hours of the day and night he swore to god... Rolling his eyes, he sashayed over to the door and threw it open wide.

But it was not the neighbours he didn't even have a nodding aquaintance with. It was Jeongguk, wearing a beanie, bomber jacket and tight black jeans. He'd forgotten he'd told the hybrid his address. He was very surprised he'd remembered it.

“Little baby bun!” He gasped in delight. “Come in. Come in.” He grabbed the boy’s wrist and dragged him into his home. “Welcome to my humble abode.” He gave a flourishing bow.

“Hyung?” Jeongguk said nervously.

“Guk. Gukkie. Cookie? Hey! Gukkie sounds like cookie! That’s cute. You’re cute.” He grinned at the hybrid, leaning forward just a little unsteadily to boop Jeongguk’s nose.

“You’re being weird.” Jeongguk stated bluntly.

“You’re weird.” Taehyung shot back. Then his eyes lit up as the song changed and he reached over, snatching Guk's beanie off the boy's head and twirling it around like a stripper before lobbing it near the bed.

“This is my song!” They had all been his song. “Come dance, Cookie boy.” He dragged him to his makeshift dancefloor, which was really just the empty space where a dining table would have been if he’d been able to afford one.

Taehyung was surprisingly graceful, dancing with joyful abandon while he sang the wrong verse next to a stiff and discomforted Jeongguk. Tae seemed to notice Guk’s lack of revelry and gave an uncharacteristic pout. “You’re not dancing, bun.”

“Are you ok?” Jeongguk asked, instead of justifying his actions.

“Nope!” Taehyung sang back gaily, lifting Jeongguk’s hand above his head to twirl beneath it. “Everything is bad. But turns out I’m not a sex offender after all. So, winning?” He gave a confused cheer.

“What?” Jeongguk asked, looking increasingly concerned.

Taehyung saw his expression and gave a mock scowl. “Hey! No sads allowed!” He scolded. "Happy bunnies only!"

“Dance with me.” He whined, tugging at the hybrid’s hands and placing them on his swaying hips. Jeongguk’s fingers tightened, the claws digging into his flesh momentarily before he finally gave in, moving with Taehyung to the infectious rhythm of the pop music.

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