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Taehyung turned away from gawping at Jeongguk with difficulty to address Mrs Kim. "I- uh. He's the bunny with the attitude?"

Mrs Kim sighed with long-suffering. “That’s him.”

“I think there’s been some kind of mistake, Mrs Kim. I work with animals, dogs, cats, actual rabbits, not hybrids.” He explained patiently.

Mrs Kim’s lips tightened again as she nodded. “I thought as much but please, I’m at my wits end. Ever since my son left he’s been completely unmanageable! Honestly if Namjoon wasn’t so attached to him I’d-”

“Perhaps we should continue this conversation in another room, Mrs Kim.” He interrupted with a pointed look at the hybrid in question.

While Jeongguk still sat on the couch, eyes intent on the tv screen, his fingers flying over the controller, his ears betrayed him. Both were upright and alert and turned directly at his carer and Taehyung. With each of the woman’s words he had seen them twitch in agitation. Mrs Kim gave a sharp nod of her head and gestured to the hallway.

“Of course. Would you care for a drink while we discuss things?” She offered.

Taehyung hesitated. This really wasn’t even his realm of experience. Hybrids were far more complicated than puppies. They had a near human level of intelligence and a complex array of emotions. He didn’t think pretending to eat out of an empty bowl to prove that you were higher in the pecking order was going to cut it with the surly teenager. But he had just suggested they talk about it. Mainly to spare the boy’s feelings. Feeling unwanted in your own home for something you couldn’t help was not something anyone should experience, no matter how many throw cushions you destroyed. Taehyung could attest to that.

“Sure, Mrs Kim, that’d be nice.” He finally gave in.

“Tea, coffee, hot chocolate?”

“Water’s fine.” He said, uncomfortable with the idea of putting her out any further when he was just going to turn her down.

Still, she’d paid for a consultation, so he supposed letting her vent for the thirty minutes he usually used to assess the animal’s living conditions wouldn’t hurt.

“Have you considered taking him to a hybridologist? I know they can be pricey but they specialise in hybrid healthcare.” He suggested quietly.

“Money’s not the issue.” She waved a hand dismissively as she turned her back on him to open the fridge. “He gets regular check ups every three months. He’s perfectly healthy. The doctor said he needs ...well, training. Namjoon was entirely too soft on him and now that he’s gone, Jeongguk is just running wild. He won’t listen to a word I say!”

Taehyung absently bit his dry lips in thought as he took the glass she offered. “Did the specialist give you any idea of how to train him?” He asked curiously.

“He suggested a hybrid behaviouralist. But you have to understand. I work full time and I just don’t have the time to devote to that kind of thing. Look, I’m fond of Gukkie, I really am. I’ve known him since he was a kit. But the truth is, I never signed on for this. He was an extravagant gift from an absent father. Don’t get me wrong, Namjoon did the best job he could caring for him and I did agree to keep Jeongguk here while he went away to college, but I wasn’t expecting him to be this much work!” She explained in frustration.

Taehyung nodded in understanding, tamping down his own irritation at her attitude. It wasn’t really her fault. He’d been called in to similar situations when a childhood dog was suddenly left with the ‘grandparents’. More often than not in those cases, the dog ended up staying in the family home. But they weren’t talking about a dog, they were talking about a hybrid. He wondered how Mrs Kim would feel about becoming Jeongguk’s permanent carer.

“I understand your situation, Mrs Kim. And I feel for you, and the boy, I really do. But I’m just not qualified to take on hybrid training. I’m sorry to have wasted your time.” He set the glass down on bench, practically untouched.

“Wait!” She half shouted in desperation. “Look, just, give it a try? Just a few sessions. I’ll happily pay you for your time. And if it doesn’t work,” She shrugged, but the gesture seemed forced. “No harm done. We’ll call it a day. What do you say?”

His forehead creased in discomfort. “Mrs Kim, I really don’t think-”

“Don’t answer right away!” She insisted. “Have a day to think about it, ok?” She cast him a hopefully look and he sighed heavily. “Please. I don’t know what else to try.”

“Fine.” He capitulated.

“Thank you, Mr Kim!”

“I only said I’ll consider it. Don’t get your hopes up, ok?” He cautioned.

“Yes, yes of course. Thank you.” She practically gushed, shaking his hand between both of hers.

His lips drew into a tight line, but he let it go. He’d just email her tomorrow with his apologies.

He followed her back out to the living room where she turned a falsely bright smile to the scowling hybrid still slumped on the couch. “Jeongguk, Mr Kim is leaving now.”

“So?” The boy replied disinterestedly, his eyes still firmly ahead.

“Won’t you say goodbye?” She prompted.

“Why?” Taehyung bit his cheek to hide a smile. Cheeky, little brat.

“Jeongguk! Don’t be impolite!” Her eyes narrowed and her mouth firmed.

“Mrs Kim, really, it’s fine.” He assured her when she seemed about to lose her composure. “Jeongguk, it was nice to meet you. Good day.” He gave a short bow to Mrs Kim and headed for the door.

A/N So since I'm on such a roll, I decided to grace you guys with another update.

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And remember I purple you!

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