Twenty Eight

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“Hyung.” Jeongguk whined lowly, tugging on the sleeve of Taehyung’s hoodie.

“What?” Tae muttered distractedly, trying to concentrate on his lecture.

“This is boring.” The hybrid’s ears drooped with disappointment.

“I told you it would be.” Tae whispered back without sympathy. “Now hush, I need to listen to this.”

“But hyung...” Jeongguk tried again.

“Don’t ‘but hyung’ me.” He scolded the hybrid in hushed tones. “I warned you there’d be nothing for you to do here. You could be cooking right now if you weren’t so stubborn.”

“Chef Yi is mean.” The boy practically pouted.

“No, she just doesn’t put up with your nonsense. Now for the last time, shush.”

“Mr Kim!” His professor called in exasperation. “Is there a problem?”

“No, sir.” He assured the man firmly before hissing to Jeongguk. “Behave yourself, bun.”

Jeongguk slumped in his chair, falling forward until he hit the desk in front of them with an audible thud. There he remained, arms hanging limply from his shoulders, beleaguered expression on his face. Taehyung grit his teeth, but chose to ignore the hybrid’s behaviour in the interest of furthering his education.

The reprieve lasted a full fifteen minutes before Jeongguk began to shift uncomfortably. Taehyung gave an irritated tsk. “Stop fidgeting like a toddler.”

“I’m not.” Jeongguk refuted sullenly.

“You are and it’s distracting. Please, Guk. Behave yourself. I need to concentrate.” He murmured.

The hybrid rolled his eyes, but stilled obediently.

For less than three minutes.

“Guk!” He whisper shouted.

“What?!” The hybrid rounded his eyes innocently.

“Mr Kim!” His professor yelled again.

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Taehyung apologised.

“If you’re pet was going to be so disruptive, perhaps it would have been better to leave it at home?” The man scolded in a condescending tone.

Besides him, Taehyung felt Jeongguk bristle and placed a restraining hand on the boy’s arm. “I’m sorry for the disturbance. I’ll take him out.” He began to pack his things quickly and quietly while beside him Jeongguk glared daggers at his lecturer.

As they were passing by, Taehyung indicated that the hybrid wait for him outside while he gestured over the teacher.

“Yes, Mr Kim? Is there a reason you’re interrupting my class again?”

“Yes.” Taehyung kept his voice at a polite level, so he wouldn’t be overheard, not wanting to cause a scene. “I realise that Jeongguk was disruptive and for that I apologise. But.” He stressed the word. “That doesn’t excuse your rudeness. He isn’t an ‘it’ and you and I will have a problem if you refer to him in such a manner again. Are we understood?” He met the man’s surprised eyes steadily, giving no quarter.

The man gave a slight nod, before he said curtly. “Goodbye, Mr Kim.”

“Professor.” Taehyung nodded back and left the room.

Jeongguk moped beside him as they made their way from the building. Taehyung was mildly surprised. Jeongguk didn’t usually shy away from very vocally conveying his displeasure.

“You ok?” He asked once they’d made it outside into the crisp spring day.

“I’m not an it.” Jeongguk muttered, almost inaudible.

Taehyung wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer so their bodies brushed as they walked. “I know, baby.”

“And I’m not a pet.” He whined.

“Well...” Taehyung said, biting his cheek to hide his teasing smile.

“Hyung!” Jeongguk wrenched away from him to scowl. “I’m not a pet.” He reiterated.

“Ok, you’re not a pet.” He agreed, with just enough indulgence to rile the hybrid up.

“Hyung!” He took a deep breath, preparing to set the record straight in the loudest way possible, Taehyung was sure. But he could no longer hide the grin from his face, breaking out into peels of laughter at the indignant look on the hybrid’s face. Jeongguk looked, at first angrier, his sensitive pride stinging at the idea of being laughed at, before Tae’s infectious laughter had him smiling sheepishly back.

Taehyung wrapped an arm around his slender waist and pulled him back to his side, leaning down to place a lingering kiss on the corner of the invitingly tilted lips. Jeongguk’s steps faltered for a second before he turned his head slightly, a hesitant brush of his mouth against the older boy’s. Taehyung squeezed his waist and broke the contact, continuing on their way to the bus stop, but he couldn’t wipe the grin from his face.

A/N And this ladies and gentlemen is why we don't bring whiny, bratty pets to school.

I like a little bit of teasing between the two, seems they're always in the middle of drama.

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I purple you!

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