Twenty Three

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Jeongguk's hybridologist, Dr Lee, performed all the usual tests on the hybrid, heart, lungs, blood pressure, eyes, ears, throat, reflexes. He even took a few vials of blood and a urine sample. He seemed quite concerned when Taehyung had explained the situation.

"Physically he's fine, as you probably know. He's lost a little weight, but nothing to be concerned about and he's slightly dehydrated. But it's his emotional state I'm concerned about." He noted.

Taehyung nodded, glancing over at the completely disinterested Jeongguk. "It's quite common for hybrids who are rehomed to go through a period of depression." He paused, his gaze speculative. "How much do you know about hybrids, Mr Kim?" He asked.

"Not a lot, to be honest. I'm a third year veterinary student so I know a far amount about rabbits and we touch on hybrids briefly next year, I think, but not as much as I'd like. I was hired as a kind of stand in companion for him by his owner's mother to deal with problematic behaviour he was displaying. Dominance displays, aggression, that kind of thing." He explained.

The doctor frowned in disapproval at that. "He really should have seen a hybrid behavioural specialist."

"I'm sure you're right, and I did suggest that, but Mrs Kim said she didn't have the time and if I'm honest, I needed the money." Taehyung tried to justify.

"Are finances a problem, Mr Kim? Because a hybrid ownership is not a cheap endeavour." Dr Lee asked with some concern.

"Not anymore." He assured the man. "I came into a small inheritance. Enough for us to live on comfortably until I graduate at least. I wouldn't have taken him otherwise."

The older man nodded. "Back to the problem at hand. Hybrids form close bonds with their owners. They choose a particular human in their formative years and they stay loyal to that person. Much like a voluntary imprinting of sorts. Unfortunately that bond, that loyalty, once earned, is extremely hard to break or replace, no matter the circumstances necessitating it. I've seen hybrids rescued from terribly abusive homes who have become completely despondent over the loss of an owner who actively hurt or neglected them." He shook his head sadly. "So when a hybrid and owner are separated, either by abandonment, rescue, death or what have you, the hybrid can at first display problematic behaviours, as you described earlier. But once the hybrid comes to accept the loss as permanent, they often become listless and disinterested in it's surroundings."

Taehyung nodded, stealing another glance at Jeongguk. A month ago he would have been indignant that he and the doctor were discussing him so impersonally while he was still in the room with them, insisting they knew nothing about him or his situation. Now he wasn't even sure the boy was listening.

"In a way it's a step in the right direction. On some level Jeongguk understands that Namjoon will no longer be his primary care provider. But that loyalty still exists on his end. So he's experiencing a deep sense of loss and abandonment." Taehyung couldn't see how that might be a step in the right direction.

Reading his expression, the doctor offered him a brief smile. "There are things that can be done to encourage a bond between a hybrid and a new caregiver." He assured the young man.

"Such as?"

"Regular grooming, washing of the hair, share the same soap, wash each other if he'll allow it, brush or finger comb his hair and encourage him to do the same with you. Dress them in clothes that hold the new owner's scent. Wear a shirt to bed, then give it to him to wear the next day. Even your clean clothes, if you've worn them often enough, have a lingering scent. If the hybrid has scent glands, which Jeongguk does, allow routine scent marking sessions. At least once a week, more if he'll allow it. If they hybrid has moved homes, allow them to scent the new environment as well. Male rabbit hybrids are have been known to spray if feeling particularly territorial, but most new owners try to discourage the practice for hygiene's sake." He listed.

Taehyung cast a worried look in Jeongguk's direction. "What if he doesn't want to scent me? He won't even dress himself."

"Jeongguk has scent glands located just under his chin and on either side of his genitals, any stimulation, say rubbing or pressing, in those areas will stimulate scent production. The secretion is clear, thin and quite slick, with a similar consistency to pre-seminal fluid, although it is often more pungent." He described and Taehyung felt his cheeks heat a little. He'd stick to the chin ones.

"Then all you need to do is run anything you want scented, clothes, belongings, skin, over those locations and his scent will be deposited. You can also do a second hand transference, by taking an item that is already scented and leaving it in contact with the object you wish to scent. That method is not as effective but good for larger items like furniture, etc."

"On a more psychological note, you could try dominating him. If he submits to you, he is more likely to accept you as his owner. As a veterinary student I'm sure you have some idea what I'm talking about. Eat before him, and in larger amounts and on a higher surface if you can manage it. Take the first bite of his meals. Speak clearly and firmly to him. Make decisions on his behalf, what to wear, what to eat, when to eat, grooming times. Assert physical dominance, tugs to the ears or tail as behavioural correction, small bites or taps work as well. I'm not sure of the err...nature of your relationship with him." He began delicately. "But you could also try dominant sexual displays. Mounting can be quite effective if you're comfortable with it." Taehyung blushed again.

"Oh. I'm not sure..." He said uneasily.

"If you're not sure, don't attempt it." Dr Lee advised. "It will just confuse him. You can also try collaring him."

Taehyung nodded thoughtfully, taking everything the doctor said into consideration.

"The important thing is to be consistent. This process can take some time. And, if at all possible, do not allow any contact with his former owner during that time."

"Yeah, ok." He agreed.

"Bring him back in about three months and I'll check his progress. If things aren't coming along, I'll refer you both to a hybrid behavioural specialist."

"Ok. Thank you for your time, Dr Lee." He shook the man's hand.

"Not at all, Mr Kim. Good luck."

Taehyung grasped Jeongguk's hand firmly, leading him out of the office. They had a lot of work ahead of them. 

A/N This chapter is kinda dry, sorry. But I'm feeling a bit better and back to writing so hooray!

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