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Three years later...

Jeongguk swayed in the kitchen to the music playing on his portable speaker, dipping a claw into the savoury red sauce he’d just prepared and popping his finger in his mouth. He gave a satisfied hum and nodded. Pretty good, just needed a little salt.

He grabbed the shaker from the bench behind him and the wooden spoon from the silicone spoon rest. As he was taste testing again, his ears lifted alertly, swivelling to the front door as he heard the familiar footfalls of Taehyung in the hallway outside. He turned the stove off and used the nearby tea towel to remove the pan from the heat before slinging it over his shoulder and going out to greet his owner.

The first thing that hit him was the smell. Every day, without fail, Taehyung would come home for the practice he’d been working at for a little over three months now reeking of dog. Every single day. He wrinkled his nose, but his steps didn’t slow. He loved his hyung enough to withstand a little dog odour. He’d just wait until they’d had a shower and rescent him. Again.

Taehyung was fiddling with bags at the entry way, the door already locked securely behind him when he spotted the hybrid, his face breaking into a wide, contagious grin. “Baby bun!”

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, although he couldn’t stop the smile that tugged his lips. “Hey, hyung. How was work?”

“Interesting.” He answered enigmatically.

“O.K.” He said slowly. “Well dinner’s almost done. Penne and spice salsa rouge just how you like it.” He crossed the room and wrapped his arms around his lover, nuzzling despite his doggy scent.

Without hesitation, Taehyung cupped his cheeks, lifting his face to pepper with kisses before lingering on his upturned lips. The older man hummed lowly. “I missed you, bun.”

“I missed you too, hy- What the hell is that?” He broke off, when he heard the bag at Taehyung’s feet rustle.

“Guk! Language!” Tae cried instead of answering.

The hybrid shot him a look before bending down to sniff at the wriggling bag, jumping back in surprise when a small, fluffy face popped out the top.

“Why is there a dog in our house?” He scowled.

“Isn’t he cute?” Taehyung enthused, bending down to scoop the tiny, wriggling puppy into his arms, laughing in delight when it proceeded to lick his face. Gross.

“Adorable.” Jeongguk deadpanned. “But why is it here?”

“Someone just left him outside the clinic in a box last night. Can you believe it? Why would anyone want to leave a sweetie like this? I did a complete health check. He’s got a few minor issues, but all he needs is some TLC.” He nuzzled into the puppy’s fur as it gave an excited yip.

“So I brought him home.” He concluded.

“Yes, but why?” Jeongguk asked again, hands folded over his chest, eyes narrowed at the small, fuzzy being nestled in his owners arms.

“What do you mean why?” Tae asked, finally taking his eyes off the stupid dog to look at him. “He needed a home. Why are you upset about this?”

“I just don’t like dogs.” He muttered.

“Who doesn’t like dogs? Look at him! He’s so small and fluffy and cute! And he’s so clever too! Watch.” He set the yappy creature on the ground and crouched before it. “Tannie, sit.” The puppy obediently parked it’s butt. “Shake.” He held out a hand and the dog lifted his left paw. “Speak.” The pup borked cutely. “Good boy!” Taehyung scratched behind the dog’s ears and it lolled its tongue out ecstatically.

“I guess.” He mumbled. “I mean, I just cooked you a full meal from scratch, but sure, let’s praise the rat.”

“Oh my god. You’re jealous?” He shook his head and the hybrid scowled again, looking away.

“Whatever.” He shrugged. “Have fun with your rat. I’m going to finish dinner.”

“Guk.” Tae grabbed his wrist to stop his dramatic exit. “What on earth do you have to be jealous about? He’s just a puppy. And look, he likes you.”

He looked down at the fluffball wagging it’s small floofy tail enthusiastically at his feet. He was kind of cute. But that was beside the point!

“You don’t need another pet. You have a pet. Me!” He pouted, tail flicking in irritation.

Taehyung laughed, wrapping his arms around him. “Silly bun, no one could ever replace you.” He felt the soft press of lips against his neck and tilted his head automatically before remembering he was mad at the older man.  “Pretty baby.” His voice took on the honeyed husk that made his knees weak. “Dinner can wait. Let me show you how special your are, hmm?”

“Yeah, ok.” He breathed, completely defenceless against the warm press of his lips and the hard press of his body.

As Taehyung walked him to the bedroom, lips still connected to his sensitive skin, the hybrid gave the dog a smug smile and closed the door between them, poking his tongue out childishly. “My Taehyung.”

“Guk!” Taehyung was biting the inside of his cheek, a sure sign he was holding back a smile. “Be nice.”

“Fine. I’ll be nice to your stupid rat. Now stop talking and pet me already.” He whined, wrapping his arms around Taehyung and connecting their lips. 

A/N Yes, ok, I thought it would be cute to add Tannie. Sue me! And now it's really over.

I will probably add some one shots that didn't make it in later, but for now, fin.

I hope you enjoyed the ride.

Remember to vote. Feel free to leave a comment, I always read them.

I have other fics to read if you're jonsing for some more, but no others are completed yet.

I purple you guys. Thanks for joining me on this jouney. It's been fun!

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