twenty seven

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Hitoshi had no ill intentions that night, just work on some paperwork and hopefully finish the assignment that Vlad had assigned the class

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Hitoshi had no ill intentions that night, just work on some paperwork and hopefully finish the assignment that Vlad had assigned the class. Maybe he'd sneak down to the dorm kitchen and steal some juice. Maybe he'd see Kaminari again.

Despite it all, the insomniac wasn't expecting to see Midoriya up at such an ungodly hour, bringing three cups out of the dish rack.

The greenette was pouring brown powder into all the cups, long after Hitoshi had made his presence clear - though whether the other didn't have anything to say or didn't notice him, Hitoshi was surprised it was the latter.

"Oh.. hey, Sho-kun." Midoriya yawned, pouring hot milk out of the kettle and into the ceramics. "What's up?"

Hitoshi didn't remember when he let Midoriya start calling him that, but the indigo-haired boy shrugged it off as he returned the yawn.

"I just couldn't sleep, the sleep paralysis demons are watching me."

"I-oh.. is everything okay?" Hitoshi almost forgot, Midoriya didn't understand memes sometimes. Hell, the greenette still giggled at cat videos.

"I'm fine. The question is; what are you doing up this late?"

Midoriya held a flash of apprehension over his features before relaxing, taking a metal spoon and stirring the hot drinks to reveal creamy hot chocolate.

"I'm just up to comfort someone, he's going through something bad right now." Hitoshi's eyebrow raised, the greenette wasn't always so vague.

Regardless, the insomniac nodded understandingly and poured some juice into his cup.

"Is that.. is that my mango jui-"

"Yes, and yes I have been the one draining your supply." Hitoshi spoke, matter-of-factly as he sipped the juice condescendingly towards the other man. Though Izuku just chuckled.

"I thought it'd be you, you seem to have a mango vibe to you." Izuku smiled, though it grew soft when another person entered the kitchen. The greenette pulled only two of the cups and held them out, to which the pink-haired woman smiled.

"He's on the verge of sleeping, it makes me so sad seeming him like that." Hitoshi couldn't help but be nosy.

"We're all sad to see him like that, he's traumatized." Izuku tapped her shoulder. "I'll be up in a minute."

"I know you will." The pinkette muttered with a smile, though it was a tired one.

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