Won't Somebody Help Me Chase The Shadows Away?

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Deep down in Joe's cerebellum, he knew Ben loved him. He truly believed that they were meant to be. Soulmates, if you would. They met in the most unique circumstances and while nothing about what happened to them would ever be considered ideal, Joe would never have wanted it any other way.

Yet, like every insecure person, he had his doubts. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the thought lingered that one day, the gorgeous statue of a man would look at the life he was living and decide it wasn't good enough for him. That he would grow tired of the flopped screenplays and tantrums were thrown by their toddler and just up and run.

He would see that being with Joe just wasn't worth the time and effort and he'd head back to England, calling only every now and then to speak to their daughter when he had the time.

It had yet to happen and while Joe knew it was absolutely crazy to think it ever would, the idea still lingered inside his head, even as they were planning their wedding. The two had agreed to wait until Clara was old enough to be involved. Her first year came and went and was as wonderful as one could imagine.

They threw her a large birthday party, as everyone excepted. They had trouble landing on a theme, as both men wanted something completely different and neither willing to settle. Finally, they threw away both thoughts and chose something completely different. The party went off with a swing and neither men could believe their precious little miracle was already a year old.

Oh, how time flew by so quickly.

Once she was old enough to walk, the blond took it into his own hands to push for the wedding. Joe had been very lax about it, believing that when it happened, it happened. He had the bracelet to show off and the tiny angel to speak of. He knew marriage was something so many people aimed and fought for, but to him, he just didn't see the need to have it right away.

If he and Ben were meant to be married then they would be married. They'd get there at their own pace. That was what Joe believed.

And then there was Ben. That beautifully stubborn bastard, who didn't want to wait and seemed to have half a mind to drag Joe down to Vegas just to get it over with. The only reason he didn't go through with it was due to Joe's own mother who threatened them both from taking away the moment from her.

Their lives were anything but traditional, but the least they could do is get married in a basic sense. They'd do it upstate, away from the city and far from England. Ben put his foot down about a church but agreed to the priest to please the ginger. They had a garden selection; a place full of roses and daisies as far as their eyes could see.

Ben had taken over, deciding that having a planner just wasn't worth the hassle. After all, he was between commercials at the moment, so he had more time on his hands. He took care of everything while Joe just says back and waited for him to decide that even planning the wedding wasn't worth the trouble, let alone actually going through with it.

And yet it never happened. Ben did it all. He made the guest list and picked out the invitations. Ben had a short list of friends and chose Clara's own doctor to be his best man while Joe bumped Rami to the sidelines for Lucy, allowing her to be his best woman while Rami got the job of helping Clara down the aisle and keeping her on track for the night. Joe's mother and Lucy went dress shopping for Clara while Joe and Rami took care of the suits.

While it wasn't tradition to see what the other was wearing, both Ben and Joe were on the same page for their color schemes. Blue, green and white had worked out well enough for them.

Don't get them wrong, both men looked hella fine in black, but that was too traditional, too normal. They wanted to add a bit of spice to the whole affair without going a bit too over the top. And while Ben was one hundred percent ready to show up in an all green suit, looking as good as Easter morning, Joe forced him to tone it down a bit.

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