Vacation -- All I Ever Wanted

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It took Joe about an hour to get Ben out of the outside. On the outside, Ben was the guy that everyone found irresistible but also, unapproachable because of how good he looks. Literal model material. People assumed that, if they were to approach him, he would be rude and snobby. He would think too highly of himself with his nose constantly up in the air. Hell, that's what Joe thought the night they shared the dance floor...and couch...and bed together.

In reality, yes, he was a model but he was the most down to earth soul you ever met. He was also #1 Dad material. Of course, he had a career of modeling and even acting in some commercials and non-speaking roles in TV shows like Law & Order but nothing was as important as his daughter and his husband. Joe would roll his eyes hard at this statement, even though he knew deep down that this statement rung true.

Their wedding was everything and more. As the men made their way to the airport (after each gave their daughter a very long cuddle session and thousands of butterfly kisses on her forehead and cheek), Joe complimented Ben on how well of a job as the wedding planner and that everyone was blowing up his phone from the night before, telling the ginger how much fun they had, how great the food was and how in love and so darn happy the husbands looked on their special day.

Ben simply blushed, taking the hand of his husband with ease as they made it through Customs. Now that Ben had dual citizenship (thanks to marriage), he no longer needed a work visa. Ben assured the ginger that the marriage was never about the green card but damn, does it make it easier to stay in the states.

"I'm so excited to go to Greece...I've never been," Joe admitted, rubbing his palms together as they took their seats at the assigned gate.

"Funny. You've been to the UK and Italy but never made it to's truly a sight to see...we must thank Allen again when we return for the suggestion." Ben returned his hand to lace with Joe's. Joe knew he was a hopeless romantic but today's PDA was a little over the daily amount. Joe cocked an eyebrow at his new husband and Ben just gave him his 1,000-watt smile, blaming it touchy-feelyness on the fact that they were married. "Sure, Jan."

Two flights later and the boys were in Greece. The first flight was the longest. They tried to sleep but then Jurassic Park was one of the options for Movies to Watch and Joe couldn't stop himself from giving his husband, who had heard this multiple times, give a blow by blow.

There was a two-hour layover in Munich, Germany. It gave them time to eat, exchange dollars for Euros and give one another the taste of what was to (literally) come during the next couple of days by rubbing one out in the men's bathroom. They pumped each other in a small stall in the back of the restroom (because it would be rude to take up the handicap stall for more room - they weren't assholes). They giggled and hummed, remarking how they felt like schoolboys experimenting. They don't know why they did it. All they knew was that they both had to go to the bathroom, decided to share the same stall and ended up with their tongues wrapped around each other and their fists ravaging each other's cocks.

Thanks (and no thanks) to the time difference, they arrived on the small island near the mainland of Greece around midday. They had planned to ravage each other as newlyweds do but they did not fall asleep for more than an hour on both flights, so they unpacked some of their belongings and took a cat nap, both of their bodies sprawled out on the bed like starfish.

Ben, like always, rose from his slumber first. He decided to get a taste of the island, leaving a note for his new husband that he would be taking a jog and that he'd be back in time for dinner with groceries in hand. Joe's only instructions were to change into something nice and also have an idea of what they should cook for dinner so that Ben could buy all the right necessities.

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