Daisy Jane

280 14 15

Do you love me

I hope you do

Like the stars above me how I love you

When it's cold at night

Everything's all right

3 months

Joe took great pride in being punctual. How could he not? Being an actor and going to school for film making taught him to use his time wisely and always be aware of deadlines. It's been this way since he was a child and through his adult life, he had rarely ever been late for anything.

And technically, that stood true even now. After all, male carriers weren't women. They didn't have menstrual cycles; there was no blood gushing from any part of his body for three to seven days once a month. Whatever eggs they carried in their system were released purely through the body's reaction to sexual stimulation of the surrounding area.

And yet as he sat in Gwilym's office waiting for the test results to come back, he felt more nervous than a teenager after prom night. His leg was bouncing and he was fidgeting, all the while Ben was leaning back beside him, looking more bothered than anything.

"I don't know how you can be so calm about this," Joe commented harshly, sending a glare towards his partner.

Ben merely shrugged, burrowing further down in the seat. "Not our first rodeo, Joe." He


When they had first realized their blunder, Joe contacted Gwilym immediately. Unfortunately for them, there was no real morning-after pill for male carriers. The estrogen-based pill did not seem to be that effective for male carriers as if the pill was not able to target the area as well it did for women. Sure, there was a surgical washout that could be used in emergencies, but that was for people who had intercourse within the first twenty-four hours.

By the time they had shown up to the office, it had been a few days, leaving them with very little options. "How could you not text me when your secretary noticed I hadn't gotten my injection?" Joe asked, pacing around Gwilym's office.

Do I look like your bloody au pair? It's not my job to look after you. Besides, how was I to know you weren't interested in having another child?"

"I already have two!"

"Some people want more." Gwilym reminded him outright. "Allen and I are hoping for four in the future."

"You people are insane," The redhead scoffed.

Joe's suggestion had been simple, take another birth-control injection and hope for the best. It seemed like a logical response until their doctor informed them that if that was the route they went with and Joe did fall pregnant, it could result in either a miscarriage or a wide array of birth defects.

In the end, they were forced to play the waiting game. Joe was confident because really, who the fuck gets pregnant after one time?

With Clara, they had sex three times, estimate her conception either from the breaking of the condom the second time or no-condom the third time. And even though Ben most likely fell pregnant soon after they started trying, the two men still spent a weekend going at it. This time around, Ben only topped once during the entire vacation. Sure, he had a lot built up in his front because he took so much that week in his back but would bottoming so much and then suddenly topping again really cause your body to fuck your lover so good that they fall pregnant immediately after release?

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