Beautiful Boy (Part Two)

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3 months

Ben and Joe spent the first three months of Ben's pregnancy keeping the news at bay. It was so different from Joe's pregnancy, where the slightly taller male did not know for months that he was carrying his beautiful baby girl. Instead, Ben took a test about a week after trying their damn hardest. And then a week after that, Ben and Joe went to see Gwilym. Gwilym confirmed that the tests were accurate and that they were indeed expecting the second Mazzello child. They were ecstatic after the tests and even more ecstatic after Gwilym confirmed it.

Ben and Joe wanted to wait until after they told Clara about the baby to announce it to their friend group but Lucy's own pregnancy announcement a month ago ruined that opportunity. She spilled the beans and Ben couldn't help himself. They were going to be pregnant together! It was exciting for everyone involved, especially Rami who was finally going to be a father. Something the man always knew he'd one day be (and was surprised he wasn't already).

Still, many expecting mothers and male carriers waited until almost a few months to share the news. Ben and Joe waited three months before they sat Clara down and told her she was going to be a big sister.

In retrospect, they should have done is in some cutesy way, but neither could think of anything. They weren't always very clever, after all.

"Baby in Papa's belly?" She asked with a cock of her head and a point to Ben's stomach.

"Yes. You'll be a big sister." Joe explained slowly.

Clara cocked her head the same way Joe would whenever he was deep in thought. She looked between her father's, analyzing everything that she was currently learning.

"Baby in my room?" She asked suddenly.

Neither men had made a decision on where the second baby could go. For their first few months, it would stay with them but then afterward, it would have to go into a crib and they only had a two bedroom loft.

Ben smiled, "Would you like the baby to be in your room when it's born?"

"Baby and me. Best friends." Clara told him deridingly and got off the couch to run to her room and return with one of her toys, "This is for the baby, baba."

"Oh, thank you, love." Ben took the toy and held it close to his stomach. Clara took no time to ease into her big sister role, coming close to Ben and snuggling up against him and his stomach. Ben welcomed her with open arms.

4 months

Ben didn't mean for it to happen. Honestly, he didn't. It was just supposed to be a regular appointment. He was barely twenty weeks. Neither he nor Joe thought it would be such a big deal which was why when Joe didn't join him to that specific appointment, the blond didn't even waver.

All Gwilym was supposed to do was look around and tell him if the baby was all right. They weren't supposed to be taking long looks. They weren't supposed to be checking to find out the sex of the baby. And Ben certainly wasn't supposed to find out about it unless he checked with Joe first.

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