Baby Love

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It was something that, by this point in Joe's life, almost 45, married with three kids under his belt and directing career that spanned almost 20 years and mostly independent film awards, he could not fathom. Jurassic Park 3 had won every single big movie award for the best film. And today, as Joe and Ben lounge around the living room while their elementary and one middle school child were at school, they got the notice that the film would be up for an Oscar. And polls upon polls said they are likely to win it too.

Joe did not take Taylor to the first award ceremony for the Golden Globes. Joe knew he and his son did phenomenally. But he was still so unsure. He was always slightly unsure of his work. He has hope that it does well but it also was part of a series. The third in line. Why or how could it ever be as big as Jurassic Park?

But it was. Sure, Joe and Taylor were not the leads but at least it was more than the minuscule par the had been given for the second. One scene. One damn scene. Luckily everyone came to their scenes, brought the man back to play adult Tim and give a lucky child (his son aka. His twin) the chance of a lifetime to "play" his son. Taylor didn't need much coaching to be his daddy's son. He got that role down. Unlike Daisy, who just shrugged about loving her parents. Just shrugged about everything. Leave me to my planets and nap time, she'd say after a long day of school. Joe still tried to connect the pieces of that puzzle to Joe or Ben. Maybe she lies truly in the middle.

"An Oscar! Joseph, regardless if you win or not, you'll have to go." Ben remarked, scrolling through the Oscar lineup.

Joe groaned, "I know. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic! But I already got all dressed up for the Globes and SAG. I hate wearing a suit."

"You wore a suit proudly for our wedding."

"Yeah. Only because I knew you'd be taking it off later."

Ben rolled his eyes, "I took it off you afternoon fell asleep next to Clara the night off."

Joe corrected the blond, "yeah. Like I just said, I knew you were going to take it off me later."

Ben shook his head with a cheeky smile, "and what makes you think I won't be the one taking it off after we win the Oscar."

Joe stuck his fork out to the blond, a cup of Ramen having appeared from nowhere, "We have three children under the age of 13. We'll be exhausted after the whole ordeal."

"Perhaps we can have your mother watch the kids and have a small mini-vacation if we win? My latest shoot ends right around the Oscars. Perfect timing."

Joe rebutted, "No, no. This is Taylor and I project. Our baby. We gotta celebrate it with the whole family. You can wait to be a whore all up on me a little longer."

Ben mumbled a bit under his breath, then replied to his husband at last, "Yes, yes, alright. And I'm not a whore for wanting to spend time with my husband."

"Yes, it is when all you want to do is bed me."

".....and? I don't see anything wrong with that." Ben leaned over on the couch to try and kiss his husband on the cheek.

Joe pushed him away playfully, "Get outta here. Get the Laptop and figure out a possible family getaway spot for winter break."

"Mmmm. Yes, daddy." Ben hummed, earning a slap on the knee from Joe, who always got slightly turned on by being called daddy by Ben.

"I swear to GOD. Get out of here!" Joe was honest, though he didn't shy away from adjusting himself as Ben left the room to grab the laptop from joe's desktop.


And they did find a family getaway spot. Because of Jurassic Park 3 it all. Joe, Taylor and the rest of the Mazzello crew dressed in their Sunday best and went to the Academy Awards ceremony. Taylor was on Cloud 9. When given the chance to say a few words, he almost forgot the English language.

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