That's Amore

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Joe always wanted to be a director. Ever since he was a child, when he first stepped foot onto the studio lot, ready for his big break, he was fascinated by the camera and all the things it could do. He knew it was lame at times; being the screwy little child star who used to walk around with a camera and dream up scenarios where he was winning an Oscar for one of his creations.

Joe had come a long way since then, working hard with Rami to make the films they wanted to make. The indie work was small, but it was theirs and they were proud of that. However, small-time films weren't going to get him to where he wanted to be, so when the production companies started getting involved, he knew it was a godsend.

A gift and a curse, he knew deep down. The big-name would allow them to get better funding and make better movies, but the influence the companies were killer. They had so much so said, in every aspect of filming. From the casting, the filming locations, to the editing team that was working on the product.

Joe tried everything to stay positive, but it was getting to the point where the latest film felt more like a project he had to do for school than something he was doing with his career. In the end, Joe left California with his hands his up in surrender, allowing the editing team to finish up while he returned home to his family.

Ben hadn't been expected him as he returned without informing a single soul, choosing to instead storm into the apartment they shared, tossing down his suitcases right in the hallway and throw himself onto the bed without saying a word.

Clara was the first to spot him, squealing happily as she skipped through the hallway and saw his bedroom door open. She pulled herself onto the bed, hugging him happily while he just laid there and accepted the love he was being given.

Ben appeared in the doorway, holding JJ to his chest. "You said you wouldn't be back for two weeks," He mentioned, going to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I couldn't do it anymore," Joe confessed to him. "I just had to come home. I let them have their way with the film and I just . . . I don't care anymore."

Joe knew it was true, though it hurt him to say so. He loved his work, all his films. He put his heart and soul into every single film he made, whether it was big or small, but this time around he just couldn't be bothered. His name would be attached to something he didn't care about. And he just didn't care.

"I'm sorry, love," Ben mentioned softly, running a gentle hand up and down his arm gently.

JJ wiggled from his hold, wanting to lay down on their father just as his sister was. Joe had been away from his family for far too long and all he wanted was to just fall into the massive love and affection these two little monsters he created could offer him.

"All I want is to move on from it all. Pretend it never happened." He confessed, closing his eyes slowly.

"Perhaps Daddy is in need of a vacation?" Ben suggested gently.

"We are not going to D-I-S-N-E-Y. That's not a vacation, that is hell on earth." Joe told him sternly. "I don't want to go anywhere near California or Florida or anywhere that is going to remind me of that stupid freaking movie I spent months dealing with."

"There has to be somewhere we can go," Ben suggested lightly. "We'll figure it during nap time,"

"No nap!" JJ whined, cuddling closer to Joe.

"Daddy is going to nap. Goodnight." The redhead mentioned, getting the two children to giggle madly.

Both men were able to get them to sleep, after a bit of persisting and song singing. Ben was serious when he suggested they go on a holiday. Joe had been incredibly stressed over the film and Ben himself had just wrapped up a double-length shoot, so they had more than enough time apart.

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