I've Been Waiting For You

722 31 19

You thrill me, you delight me
You please me, you excite me
You're are all that I've been yarning for
I love you, I adore you
I lay my life before you
I only want you more and more

The pain was ungodly, unearthly, unwhateverthefuckyouwanttocallit. Joe woke in the middle of the night, feeling more uncomfortable than he had in the past few weeks. He moved about, figuring he just slept wrong. After the rounds of sex that went on just mere hours ago, he sort of just passed out where he laid.

Slowly, he raised from the bed to the bathroom to relieve himself. The pain continued on. He thought it was just cramps. After all, they were pretty active as of late and he knew it would put a strain on his body. He tried the breathing techniques that Dr. Lee had given him and the stretching, but the pinching feeling continued.

After about twenty minutes of sharp intakes of breath and a pushing feeling that wasn't going away, Joe knew this was the real deal. With clenched teeth, he waddled back into the bedroom, going to sit on the edge of the bed beside his sleeping fiancé. He reached over, shaking his arm in a weak attempt to wake him.

"Ben." He said sharply. "Benny! Wake up!" Any other night he would toss and turn and Ben would be on his case, checking and double checking that he was all right. Tonight, however, he slept deeper than sleeping beauty.

When the blond finally did wake, he was practically groggy, his blond hair tousled in a way that Joe would find adorable if he wasn't in so much pain. "I thought you didn't want another round?" He muttered, his accent heavier from sleep.

"I don't." He answered him. "You need to get up. I think the baby's coming."

That was enough to shock Ben into awareness. He sat up in the darkness, his green eyes wide and alert. "Isn't she a week early?"

"Yes. No. Fuck," Joe groaned, his hands wrapping protectively around his stomach as another wave of pain struck through him.

Ben sprang to action, moving off the bed so he could dress and gather everything they needed. They hadn't gotten around to packing an overnight back just yet, but Ben knew where everything was in their room. He tossed clothes blindly into a carry on bag, his phone pressed between his shoulder and head as he called Dr. Lee.

Joe was barely paying attention to him, too focused on the pain and the fact that his body was trying to push the kid out of him, even when there was nowhere for her to go. Ending the call, Ben shoved his phone into his jean pocket, wrapping the bag around his shoulder as he went to help Joe stand.

"Gwilym is going to meet us at hospital." He told him, practically dragging Joe out of the room. The ginger didn't even have his shoes on, but that didn't matter at this point. They were up and out of the apartment in a flash and it was the first time since Ben moved in with him that Joe was glad the man had a car.

Ben tried to keep his mind focused on the drive there. He spoke about the latest film idea that Joe had been working on, prodding him with questions in hopes that he'd focus on something other than the agony that he was going through. He spoke about baseball, getting the facts mixed up though Joe wasn't sure if he did it on purpose or not. The blond was hopeless with sports other than soccer ( football — no its fucking soccer — no its fucking football you stupid American ).

When they arrived at the hospital, they had a wheelchair ready, carting him off and into the room. Gwilym was there, thrusting paperwork into Ben's hands as he went over the procedure with Joe. They had planned a regular c-section, but due to the sudden burst of labor, things were going to be a bit more drastic now.

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