Chapter Three Part One!

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Aidan's POV

The next few days went by fine. Eli and I hadn't had any classes together yet, and he was always studying or somewhere during lunch.

It was just before lunch and apparently I had Maths and English as my last two lessons. Not bad. I didn't care much for lessons, as long as it wasn't PE I didn't really mind, since, of course, I had no friends to go to lessons with. Not that that was a bad thing, of course.

However, I did notice this one guy seemed to be staring at me a lot. He had a nose piercing, dark brown hair that covered most of his face and grey eyes. He looked scary, like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to talk to. Apparently other people got that note too, as I've seen no one talk to him. At all. Even most of the people in my class wave at me occasionally, then get slightly offended when I do nothing back and they walk away in a huff. But everybody stayed away from him like he was carrying some kind of deadly disease. He was probably looking for a good opportunity to reshape my face pretty soon.

I sat down in the library and start talking to Eli, who shared my views on lunchtime halls in school; get out of there and eat wherever else you could. Also, yes, we had started talking, and by that I mean we kinda said 'hi' a lot and he discussed different topics in class and I nodded if I understood, which I rarely did since he was in higher set classes then me for most subjects. Today, though, I decided to start off with "Can I ask you a question?" It came out way more confidently than I usually spoke, making myself surprised, and as he looked up I could see the same shock. He simply replied with, in a hesitant voice, "Have you found out?" Wait, whaaat? Did he get a detention or something? I cocked my head sideways and he shook his head and said "N-never mind. W-what were y-you going to a-ask me?"

"Uh, who's the scary kid in my class?" I couldn't have made it more general. Great.

"Um, that's, um, Lawrence, and, everyone hates him, t-they think he'll h-hurt them if they t-talk to him, e-especially after..." He drifted off and looked at his knees.

"After what?" I was talking way too much today. Oh well, this was one topic I was slightly interested in.

"H-he went to a j-juvenile prison b-because a-apparently p-people say he r-raped his mother and tried t-to kill h-her. H-he was only 11, b-but he's been f-feared ever since." He managed to stutter. Wow. But that was just what people said, right? I know rumours can spread and be extremely exaggerated. There's no way he would actually-

"BUT I DON'T BELIEVE THAT!" Eli shouted. The loudest he normally spoke was almost a whisper, so for him to shout like that was weird and out of character.

"I mean, um, I think s-someone stupid ma-made that up. No one w-would ever, would ever..." He shifted in his seat. I sighed.

"I understand what you're saying. I only asked because I've never seen him talk to people, and I kinda wanted to know why. Sorry that it made you uncomfortable, or whatever." Weird. It had only been like 4 days since we met, but I's already got comfortable talking to him, where it had taken my sister years before I could easily speak to her... It felt nice.

"It's ok... Um... We have Maths together n-next, right?" I nodded. He smiled. I didn't see him smile much, he only liked talking about some topics, most of which didn't involve people. I could understand that.

"You like Maths? I think it's boring. But it's cool that you take an interest in subjects." I said and gave a reassuring smile at the end since he looked scared, probably because people had judged him for liking lessons. Poor thing.

"No, well, right now, we're s-studying..." He rambled off, me not really paying attention, only putting in my opinion occasionally. Instead, my mind drifted to that boy, Lawrence, right? He seemed mysterious, but not in a good way. He probably had some dark, criminal past or something but he was really a good person. Yeah, right. What kind of cheesy movie set up is this.

We sat down in Maths class, everything was fine, but about 20 minutes in I heard something from the other side of the room. I leaned over to see what it was, and I saw Eli, with his work finished, scratching his trouser leg with his right hand and using his left to scribble circles on a crumpled up sheet he had. He was also biting his lip, in the irritated kind of way, not the erotic way. The teacher then suddenly shouted at Eli, saying: "PLEASE can you NOT do that Elijah, stop distracting other people from their work and shut up for once in your life?!" That was harsh, way too harsh. I doubt Eli was doing it for shits and giggles, he seemed really uncomfortable. He also looked really hurt by the teacher's words, and that didn't surprise me. He was probably the most delicate person I had ever met. Looking over at him, I mouthed, concerned, 'You okay?' And he slightly nodded and smiled before turning back and staring at his desk, looking very uncomfortable, and not moving until the end of the lesson.

Next lesson, English, I also had with him, and by the time we were sat down I could see he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and was scratching at his hands and wrists. Did he have OCD? It wouldn't surprise me. But earlier he wasn't particularly scared when I gave him my sandwich which I didn't feel like eating. Then, did he smoke or something? It would be logical, but his teeth were fine and so were his lungs, and to be honest, he didn't seem like the type. What then? It wasn't my business, I know. Oh well, I guess if he wanted to, he would tell me, and if not, it's not my place to ask.

(A/N: Little cliffhanger kinda. I don't know how I feel about this story but whatever it's ok I guess :3 2 VIEWS! THANK YOU! I'm not being sarcastic, seriously. I'm so happy yay :S it's only been like 2 days of me beginning to write this and it's not great so whatever. I might do half Aidan half Eli's POV next chapter, depending on how long I do part 2 of this chapter :) Yes, I'mm probs gonna split loads of these chapters into parts 1 and 2 or 1, 2 and 3 or whatever. Anyway, bye!)

(PS: The song this chapter is I'm Not A Vampire by Falling in Reverse!)

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