Chapter 11 Part 4!

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Eli's POV~

The next morning, I had French, a lesson that I hated, considering I couldn't even speak English correctly. As I walked into the classroom, I saw that we had a supply teacher, and judging by the lack of books or sheets, I guessed that we didn't have any work to do.

I started to panic a little since I didn't know where to sit down, as people usually tried to stay away from the little freak. I started to rub at my hands before I saw a boy with black and green hair from the corner of my eye, waving a little with a shy smile. I stopped a little to look at him.

He had pale skin that showed the veins in his hand as prominent, blue stripes, his frame was skinny though he was lanky, reaching at least 7ft tall. His hair was swept across one of his eyes, his ears were pierced and his eyes were like emeralds, reminding me of Aidan's. He waved again in my direction, smiling that same shy smile again, with his lips parted a little, showing his almost perfect white teeth.

I looked around me, though everyone else was sitting down. Confused, I tilted my head sideways and mouthed to him, what?
His smile grew wider, and he mouthed: come and sit down. There's no one sitting next to me and I don't want to be alone. Please, Elijah. Me? He wanted me to sit by him?

Thinking that this might be a joke, I hesitantly sat down next to him. He grinned a little, showing his teeth, before getting out his notepad and writing down a sentence in sharpie. It read: hi. I'm Zephaniah, if you didn't know. If you want, you can call me Caleb, though, if it's easier. Thank you for sitting next to me, I thought you wouldn't want to talk to a weird person like me. I was saddened by this statement. He called himself a weird person, for the only reasons that he's tall and he's mute, which are totally natural things that he can't help whatsoever.

I wrote back to him: It's okay. You're not a freak at all. The people who say you are are stupid people. They only dislike you because you are different to them.

Do you know sign language? It would be easier than this.

I learnt sign language when I met a boy who used to live next door to me when we were kids. He couldn't speak or hear, so he taught me sign. He was the first and last friend I had before Aidan.

He nodded and instead, he started moving his hands in ways that formed the words: Yes, I do. Where is that friend of yours, the one with the funny accent? You haven't been with him recently.

I did something really stupid that I shouldn't have done, and now he's avoiding me and he probably thinks I'm a weirdo or something because of what I did. I looked down from his eyes, as they were shining with curiosity and sympathy.

I understand. I always make mistakes and do the wrong things, then people leave and tell their friends that they should never talk to me. I try to learn from my mistakes, but they're all people remember me for. They call me a lanky faggot and stare at me. They laugh and shout insults because they think I can't hear. Some people even think that I pretend to not have a voice to get attention. I don't. I try to be normal, but no one even gives me a chance anymore. This nearly made me cry. I always used to say stupid things or be too blunt when I was't afraid to talk. Everyone calls me a freak or a weirdo and they laugh because I can't speak properly. They laugh at my sensitivity, that I cry a lot. They think I do it to get attention.

Anyway, do you like French? I don't, since I can't speak I don't like learning languages, as it's harder for me to understand some things. So bad that I actually fail. I try, though, but the teacher doesn't seem to agree. He thinks that because I can't speak I think I can get away with failing grades. So he always tries to give me detentions whenever he can. He frowned after signing that, and I did the same. I wasn't very good at this subject, but at least I could keep a decent grade. My mother wouldn't like it if I couldn't.

I felt bold again. I hated it when I felt like this. I knew that, eventually, I would say something wrong, like last time.

Ignoring those feelings of anxiety, I signed: Let me help you. I'm not nearly the best, but I'm not too bad. I could at least get you to pass. Do you want me to?

Instead of laughing at me, or doing something bad, he blushed deeply, biting his lip and clasping his hands together, with a wide smile on his face. Though I couldn't be sure, as I couldn't see his lips properly through the redness on his cheeks, I think he mouthed: That'd be nice.

(A/N- I like this chapter. It's not my favourite, but I like it more than the previous ones I've done in Eli's POV. Idk. The song for this chapter is The Piano Guys' version of What Makes You Beautiful. Seriously, it's awesome. Also, it took me way longer than I wanted to to edit this chapter because I had to add the italics in everywhere. Annoying, but worth it.)

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