Chapter 14!

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(Depending on how I feel by the end of this, this is either going to be posted on the same day as ch. 13 (which was the day it was written) or the day after.)

Eli's POV

Since she told me about everything, Leanna's been really friendly towards me. She lets me sit by her when we have lessons together, and during lunch. She helps me school work, even with my terrible communication skills.

And it's not just her; Caleb has been really nice. He smiles a lot and uses sign language to talk to me a lot, and he doesn't care what people think when he hugs me.

I don't know why they are being so nice, though; I always say embarrassing things by mistake, or don't understand what they are talking about; they even don't mind about my autism, though, through talking to people, I have been able to talk to people more confidently, and I don't feel the need to repeat things like my homework over and over again.

It was lunch time, so I sat down on a table at the back of the hall, opposite Leanna and next to Caleb. He smiled when I sat down and said 'hi' to him.

"-So like I was saying; Twilight is way better than Harry Potter! I mean Harry's nice if you're like, nine, but Twilight is so much cooler!" I saw Caleb shaking his head in disappointment, but I didn't understand the conversation.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" I asked.

"Harry Potter vs Twilight. That numpty over there thinks Twilight sucks! What's up with him!" She replied loudly, gesturing to Caleb.

"Sorry, b-but what's Harry the Potter o-or Twilights? I don't understand." This earned a shocked look from Leanna. I hung my head. Did everyone know about these things? Was I weird again?

"You're joking, right?" I shook my head. "How have you not heard of Harry Potter? Seriously!"

"U-um, my parents are really r-religious," I gulped, "They d-don't like my s-sisters and I watching a-any TV apart f-from religious s-shows, and we c-can't listen to music apart from h-hymns at church." I looked up to Caleb, who signed: Seriously? That's harsh. So you can't do anything that isn't bible related? I nodded.

"So... What is Harry Potter? And the Twilight?" I even surprised myself with the fact that I didn't stutter through that whole sentence. It made me smile.

"Twilight is a story about Bella..." Leanna explained the plots of both stories.

"Wow..." I said. "They sound awesome."

"I know. Hey, maybe one time you could both come over my house and we could watch some movies together!" She squealed. I didn't know how she lived as a boy for a solid 16 years. Caleb nodded.

"Oh, wait. Your parents probably won't like you to come over with a bisexual transgender person, right? Because we are 'yobs that try to destroy religion with our satanic powers!'" She said, waving her fist and sounding like and old man, and for the first in a while, I laughed out loud.

The bell rung, and Caleb said that he had English, making him go the other way from us, down the left corridor instead of right, like we did.

"So, we both have Religious studies next, right?" Leanne said. I nodded, smiling.

We were walking down the corridor, when Leanne suddenly said: "You know, I have noticed that you treat yourself like waste, what's up with that?" Because I am waste, I thought.

"And you're not waste. Don't even think about saying something like that. You might have autism but that's not a bad thing, and, besides, even if it was, I can't even notice you have it most of the time. That must make you really intelligent.
You're also really sweet, and I know Caleb thinks so too. He's never said a bad word about you. Though you're both hopeless people who think you're not worth anything; you're the best friends I could ever hope for. So, thank you. Thank you so much." She said before walking into the classroom, with me behind her.


We met after the lesson, and as we were walking down the corridor, Leanna began to talk again.

"Uhhhh, that was so boring. Seriously. I really love Deuteronomy, I honestly do, but I really don't want to sit through it for a whole hour. And there's no one at my house when I get home. I'm gonna be so bored." She said, stretching.

"What a-about your little brother?" I asked.

She laughed a little before saying: "He goes to boarding school, dude. My parents don't want him turning out 'the same way I did.', apparently. They even called me a disease at one point. HERE! I was born with a dick but now I don't, have my cooties!" She said, jumping onto me from the side. I laughed really loudly, squealing.

"Anyway", she said, once with had regained our composure, "I might ask Caleb to come watch some cheesy 80s romance films and eat homemade popcorn with me. But he'll probably have something better to do as well." My mind suddenly took a leap in some direction I hadn't travelled before, and before I knew it, I said: "Um, if it's okay, I'll come too! I can just tell my parents I'm studying after school, or something." She laughed.

"Eh, lying to our parents, are we? You're turning bad already. I'm having an effect on you. But okay, that sounds good! Hey, Caleb!" She started waving. I looked straight ahead to see that Caleb was standing by a locker, with his phone in his hand. He looked up, and smiled widely before walking over.

"Are you free after school?" She asked. He nodded and she jumped.

"Great! Come on, we're going to have a movie night with popcorn and whatever else I can find in my house!" She said dragging us both towards the front doors.

(A/N- I was going to post this tomorrow (Saturday 29th November) but I wanted to write more on the weekend so I am giving you guys a special treat by uploading two chapters in one day! The song for this chapter is Stars by Fun.!

Also, you neeeed to check out shakespeare99's stories! She is new to wattpad and hasn't got any recognition yet. Her books have only been just started, but give her some positivity and she'll write more, I'm sure :) Anyway guys, bye!)

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