Lucky 7 Part 1 (Of 3)

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(A/N- SORRY. I haven't put up a chapter in AGES. But I've almost fully recovered, because I know you care, boo~ Anyway, this might be a long chapter... Maybe? I don't know. IT'LL BE EVENTFUL BECAUSE I'M WRITING ABOUT THE PARTY. WOOHOO. :D)

The next few days were awkward after I told Eli about the kiss. Seriously weird. We were still talking, but the air was always just so awkward around us.

To be honest, it was probably all on my end. Eli looked a bit shook up, but none the less he was the one initiating conversations, (which were few and far between) Which was a weird thing for him, considering he was the quiet one while I talked mostly. Now the roles were almost reversed, as I would be the one to give a nod or an awkward chuckle accompanied by a small scratch of the back of my neck.

I had to get over this. I was acting like a teenager girl who had walked into a boy's changing room.

My mother would say to "rise above it" at this point if I remember correctly, and sit me on her knee when I was younger if someone had done something bad to me, which I suppose they did a lot; What can I say, I wasn't the most popular five year old the world has been graced with.

So that day, I decided to do what my mother would tell me. Lawrence is just some kid with a som-MANY problems. Or he's just trying to get attention I thought.

During lunch, I decided to go over to Elijah, who was sitting down alone and said as confidently as I could:

"Hey, do you want to go to the library? Y'know, to, uh, talk?" I stuttered a lot in that sentence. Wow. So much for my never-affected-by-anything personality. As we slowly walked to the library, I realised that that never really existed, though. Seriously. I don't know how Lawrence pulls it off.

I also meant to say it quietly, though, since I didn't want people to get suspicious of me and Eli again. I didn't really pay any attention to mindless gossiping or rumours but I knew that Eli was delicate and took what people said to heart, which, in turn, made him very insecure and shy, and I didn't want to make him more so by having to deal with lies created by stupid people who assume everything.

So, I took a deep breath and coughed, before blurting out everything I was going to tell him in about six minutes in instead about five seconds: "Hey, look, I've been a dick to you, but I've just been weirded out by the whole Lawrence thing, OK? But I'm okay with it now. Sorry I was an ass". He nodded, smiling a little, giving me that look of I-agree-with-you-but-I'm-okay-now. He thought I was an ass! Oh, well, at least he didn't hate me. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been keeping and sat down, smiling as I did so.


By the end of the day, I, surprisingly, wasn't as tired as I normally was at this time of the day. It's a nice feeling to know that you're not going to collapse of exhaustion for once in a while. Okay, I guess I was exaggerating, but that's what it feels like to me, anyway.

To be honest, it was my fault, but, I guess Netflix, ice cream and I don't make a good combination.

As I was walking out, I saw the same kid who was in my Biology class, getting repeatedly punched in the face and body. Ouch.

If I was some kind of muscly jock dude then I's be helping him get out of that situation, of course, but since I'm just a scrawny, unfit mess, I decided to steer clear of them.

As I was walking through the parking lot or... Car park? Whatever. British English is weird. Anyway, I almost jumped out of my skin as I felt a small tug on the bottom of my jacket. Oh God, is this my doom? Am I going to turn around and find a feral beast just waiting to attack me?

In fact, as I turned around I found out that it was, instead, none other than Eli himself.

"Umm, it's t-that party t-tonight... R-remember?" He said in his usual quiet, soft and slightly shaky voice that had a small lisp.

Great. I guess I needed this extra energy after all.

(A/N- DEDICATED TO: xOxUniqueWriterxOx and Jayfeather185! You are both amazing people :D Also, please check out Jay's story Night Life, I love it so far :) also I've decided to put a song to go with each chapter (it might not necessarily represent what I'm trying to say in one of the chapters or something; they're just song recommendations of bands/artists that I love <3) so this week it is Weightless by All Time Low!)

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