Chapter 7 Part 3

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(A/N- Sorry this took so long, I know I said I would have this up by Friday but I haven't been in the mood to write much until now really. HOWEVER. It's Sunday morning at about 12:30am (half past midnight) because I've been up since 10:30 TRYING TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER. I really wanted to finish it. Because if I didn't now, I don't know when I would get in the mood to write again. Anyway, here it is! :D)

Aidan's POV~

"Umm, it's t-that party t-tonight... R-remember? I-if you want, y-you can go home to change o-o-or something. If you d-don't want to go, t-that's fine as well. U-umm..." Ideally, if this was a normal person in a normal(er) situation, I would have gladly declined. However, I couldn't stand the though of Eli getting drunk or anything like that, especially after remembering how he described the parties his cousin threw.
Even though he said he was fine, I doubted it. If this party really will be as wild as he says it will, I don't want him getting mixed up in it alone, especially now that a lot of us are sixteen or older, meaning alcohol, sex and drugs. Awesome.
Besides, the party might even be a bit of a relief, if nothing else my parents won't be concerned that I'm too anti-social or that people hate me or something. It's neither of these things, it's simply that I don't like parties. Though they can't seem to get that through their simple skulls of theirs.
"Hey, I'll go, don't worry. Can I have your phone? To put my number in, I mean. And where is this party anyway?" I said.
"U-um, sure, here," he said, handing me his phone. I dialled my number in and gave it back to him. "I'll text you t-the address. O-okay?" I nodded and smiled, while was replied with the small, pure smile he had.


A few hours later, after my mom had dropped me off outside Eli's house, or ghost of a house, more like, (though I could've walked, it wasn't far, but Mom was adamant on making a small entrance) I was by him, walking to where his cousin lived, which turned out to be a really nice looking modern house of quite a decent size. Wow.
As we made our way into the house, where it was already lively, with the pungent smell of alcohol filling the air, I felt a small hand in mine. Shocked, I took my hand away sharply, only to find Eli, holding his own hand, with a mix of fear, embarrassment and hurt on his face, which was accompanied by a deep blush on his cheeks.
"I'm r-really, really sorry, um, just, I'm s-scared. I'm r-really bad w-with people. I'll do s-something wrong, or something, um, sorry, for holding, for, um, holding..." He trailed off and covered his already blushing face with the sleeve of his jumper while looking down.
"N-no, it's okay, I don't mind. Here." I held my palm out to him. "Don't worry about it."

Eli's POV

As we walked in to the house, I could smell a horrible scent. The living room was huge, with loads of people in it, and they were dancing and/or drinking everywhere. Frankly, I was scared. Very scared. Instinctively, I grabbed for the nearest thing to me, which, by my luck, happened to be Aidan's hand. It felt really warm and comforting, especially after being out in the cold. I felt myself blush a deep shade, before turning my head away to look at the ground. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't need to since he pulled away sharply. Admittedly, I think the feeling that followed after was one of the worst in the world. "I'm r-really, really sorry, um, just, I'm s-scared. I'm r-really bad w-with people. I'll do s-something wrong, or something, um, sorry, for holding, for, um, holding..." Instead of finishing the sentence, I covered my face with my sleeve, not wanting him to see what I looked like right now. I thought that he was going to ditch me, or find a girl to mess with or something. Instead, I saw his face turn softer and he smiled at me in the handsome way he always did. I turned my head to look at him, as he said:"N-no, it's okay, I don't mind. Here." Whilst holding his hand out to me. I'm sure my eyes went wide and I felt my mouth open a little. I turned my head to face the floor again.
I didn't want him to be embarrassed or anything by having to stick by me all night, especially after practically making him come. I'm such an awful person, telling him to come with me even though he probably has his own friends he wants to be with. Maybe even a girlfriend. Instead he's stuck with me, my nerdy, ugly self.
I thought that he would give up trying to feel sorry for me or something and leave me, which I definitely didn't want him to, though I couldn't usher a word out of my mouth. Instead, I heard him let out a small laugh. Oh no, he's laughing at me. Please don't, Aidan, please. I thought. Instead, however, he said to me: "Don't worry about it", before grabbing my hand firmly and squeezing it gently, making me feel like I was melting. Honestly, it was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

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