Sam Winchester

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"Sam! Sammy!" You urgently whisper at him to wake up as you crouch down on your knees to meet his eye level

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"Sam! Sammy!" You urgently whisper at him to wake up as you crouch down on your knees to meet his eye level. Your hands frame the sides of his face to gently continue waking him out of his drowsy state.

"(Y/N)...h-how did you find me?" Sam asks as you quickly move your hands to undo the bindings around his neck and wrists.

"Well it definitely wasn't easy considering that the vamps that captured you unusually tend to change nests a lot," you said as he yanks free from the ropes that you cut from keeping him in place.

"Yea when they weren't slowly bleeding me out they were moving me to a different I wasn't sure if you and Dean would find me before it was too late."

"What? No faith in your girlfriend and idiot older brother?" You tease.

You help Sam to his feet and support his exhausted body by throwing his right arm over your shoulders and wrapping your left arm around his waist to help sustain his balance.

"Where is that idiot now anyway?" Sam asks.

"It was his job to distract them all so that I could easily sneak in and find you. He should be throwing them off his track by now and meet us back here soon," you say explaining the plan to Sam.

The two of you walk out of the nest while continuing to hold on to each other. You see Dean running towards both of you and he helps you get Sam into the back seat of the running Impala.

You slide into the back seat with Sam and begin to bandage up his open wounds with what's left in the first aid kit that's kept in the Impala for situations like this one. Dean presses the gas pedal to the floor racing to the nearest hospital since Sam had lost a lot of blood and would need a blood transfusion fast.

After bandaging up what you could you look into Sam's tired eyes and tell him to stay focused on you and to not fall asleep. Sam keeps his eyes locked on yours even though it seems to be very hard for him to do, until he suddenly cups the side of your face with one hand and presses his lips against yours in a kiss that makes your heart slowly melt.

The kiss is broken when Dean announces that he sees the hospital as he pulls into the parking lot near the E.R. entrance. Sam gives you a small smile and quietly whispers to you that everything will be okay.

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