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            Leah loved her flat in Birmingham. It was small, but it was entirely her own. She didn't need extravagant things to be happy. Her family was simple and found joy in each other. Leah found joy in Jonah.

Ten minutes before Tommy was due to arrive, Leah knelt beside her bed. She pulled out the box of things she had left of Jonah. Amidst his letters, his tags sat waiting for her to hold them again. The tarnished circle fit comfortably in the palm of her hand. She lightly traced over the letters stamped into the thin metal.

Would he be pleased she found affection after he passed? Would he feel betrayed? Did she even have any love left? The world had taken so much from her, stripped her bare to the bone and yanked her heart right out of her chest. Could she truly stand up again and allow the world another chance to take something else?

Leah sighed deeply and gently laid Jonah's tags to rest among his words. She placed the lid in place again and stood.

Tommy would be around any moment so she decided to wait outside. She slipped on her coat and smoked a cigarette on the front step. Night had fallen and the street was quieter. Some people walked by, heading home or going out for the evening. Leah greeted some of her neighbors who passed. A chill hung in the dark air. She shivered and noticed her cigarette was hearing its end. So she stubbed it out and glanced down both ways of the street. But there was no sight of Tommy or his car.

"Just running late." She assured herself under her breath. To stay warm, she returned to her flat to wait. Perhaps he'd call.


The seat by the phone had a perfect view of the clock. Several emotions washed over her like the tide. Worry, betrayal, sadness, humiliation. Each worse than the last.

Finally, three hours later, Leah decided to throw in the towel. She carelessly tore off the dress that she thought he'd admire. The black dress that she felt so beautiful in when she initially put it on. Now it felt silly. She kicked off her heels, the patent shoes knocking against the baseboards. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she wiped away her makeup. She felt so foolish.

Played by a Shelby.

Just another whore who fell for him.

Leah turned off the lights and curled up under her quilt. Forget. She was good at forgetting.


Not even an hour later, she heard a clinking against her window. Leah hadn't been able to fall asleep anyway so it didn't wake her. She turned over and watched a few stones hit the glass. With a heavy exhale, she got up and donned a dressing gown. Before opening the window, she looked down to the sidewalk.

Tommy knelt down to gather a few more pebbles off the street. When he straightened up, he saw the light in Leah's room turn on. She appeared in the window a moment later. And she looked pissed. But she opened the window anyway.

"I'm sorry I-"

"I don't want to hear it." She interrupted. "I'm sorry for being such a foolish person. Bea, Beth, Lizzie, they were all right about you.

"I don't know what they've said to you." He admitted. "But I promised I would show you who I really am, you're going to listen to rumors instead?"

Leah scoffed. "I gave you the chance to show me and you did! You stood me up like I was just some foolish girl, sitting by the telephone hoping you'd call. Well, I'm not waiting 'round for you anymore, Tommy Shelby."

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