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Although I live in the US, I've wriggled my way around the BBC barrier. Get a VPN and you can access their content. So no need to wait for October. But I won't be writing anything from season 5 until the Netflix release date just to be fair to everyone and because I'm not sure I'll even be there by October. If I wrap up season 4 before October then it'll just be filler for the two years in between the seasons.


"Tommy in?" Ada entered the office without much of a warning. It spooked Leah a bit because of how late it was. Charlie was asleep with Finn watching over him and Tommy hadn't eaten all day. So Leah took the chance to bring him dinner. After that morning's chaos, she figured it would be a long night.

"I think he should be in soon." She answered.

His sister came in with a huff, tugging off her gloves. "He is unbelievable. I honestly cannot understand why you're marrying him." She snarled and flopped into Tommy's desk chair.

Leah's brow wrinkled in worry. "What happened?" She walked over to the desk and sat.

There were tears welling up in Ada's eyes but she steeled herself and waved towards the liquor cart. "Can you get me a drink?" She lifted a hand over her mouth when her voice cracked.

"Of course, gin?"

"Whatever's the most expensive thing he's got over there."

Not too familiar with alcohol, Leah glanced at the labels. She figured Tommy would keep only the priciest bottles in his own office so she just picked the nicest looking label. She poured Ada a glass and hesitated a moment before pouring herself one as well.

"Now tell me what happened." She coaxed as she passed over one of the glasses.

"I was arrested by the cavalry." Ada's nose scrunched up in disgust. "I know Tommy was behind it."

It was as if she were watching a tennis match but Leah couldn't keep track of where the ball was on the court. She kept trying to find it but every time her head turned, it wasn't there. It gave her a headache and she had no idea what to expect.

Before his fiancee had a moment to say anything, Tommy came into the office. He acknowledged Ada with a glance on his way to the liquor. "You're sitting in my chair."

Leah didn't have to tell him off, Ada did the honors. "Tell me about Colonel Ben Younger. He offered me a proposition. I know you know about it and I also know when you're lying to me." His sister glared daggers at him.

Tommy cleared his throat and poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Ben Younger was an officer with the Warwickshire Yeomanry in Flanders." He began to explain on his way over to the desk. He rested a hand on the back of Leah's chair as if greeting her silently. "The only cavalryman who could ride a fucking horse."

Ada wasn't amused by his remark. "I was strip-searched."

He looked like he was slapped in the face. Clearly, that hadn't been a part of the plan. Or he at least hadn't thought about it. "Ada..."

"Two officers watched."

Leah knew that there was a level of comfort associated with nudity. As a young woman in London, she had to bite back her modesty as she bared every inch to strangers every night. After a few months, she learned to numb the embarrassment and insecurity that came along with allowing someone to see her in an intimate way. But Ada wasn't like her. She had a great deal of self-respect and no doubt the event was humiliating and horrifying to her.

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